omarokasha1 / TheFirstProject

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C++ and Python Code #17

Open omarokasha1 opened 2 years ago

omarokasha1 commented 2 years ago

Problem Statement :

How to make automated testing through running some scripts

Technology Used :

Python and C++ as these are the Languages I can use Easily and Can support with them

In Python :

I used Python Requests and Json Technology to Communiate with the API

In C++ :

I used C++ CPR "CURL FOR HUMAN" and I used Nomral Libraries and An Important Hint to Run the Project you need to focus over the Makefile Technology

Setup Python3 Environment over Linux :

sudo apt-get install geany

Python Code :

This code to test and register a limited number of Users to the API

Thanks to @mirette3 a miswriting words has been fixed

# Adding Libraries that we will use in our Program : 

import requests 
# For Importing Library Requests
import json 
# For Importing Library Json

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Test Connection to server

response = requests.get("") 
# make HTTP Get Request to check if the Server Live or Not

# print the Response of the Server which usually will be Status 200 

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# We need to start automating Register to the API 
# Through Using a While Loop we will have a Counter inside that will break the loop after reaching special Number 
# Through the Loop the Application will send to the Api the Needed Data using Requests Function and we will receive the response and validate it
# API need to send to it a Unique userName , Email , Phone 
# So we Fixed the username and Email through a variable called Keyword
# Validation over the Phone Number is the number must be 11 Number through a Fixed Variable will changed everytime based on the counter

keyword = 'omar'
# The Variable Used to create the userName and Email

Phonee =44140002000*2
# The Variable used to create the Phone Number will call it Phonee

# Initiate the Counter 

while 1:
  # Starting of the Loop
  # Must take in consideration the Spaces as Python Senstive for the Spaces 

  # Create Email Variable using the Keyword and the Current counter and for example

  # Create Password Variable using a fixed string which is "1111111111111" and the Current counter 

   # Create Phone Variable using the sum of  Phonee and Current counter 

   # Create username Variable using the String sum of  keyword and Current counter as String which will be omar0 

  r ='', json={"email":email,"password":password,"phone":phone,"userName":username})
  # Here Code make a POST request by sending to the API '' a json body as mentioned above and store the response at " r "

  # Print all the response

  # print the JSON Content

  # store the JSON Content inside new Variable 

  # print the attribute that have the key token

  # Increment the Counter

  # Break the Loop if we reached that Number of Rounder or Users Registers 


Setup C++Environment over Linux :

Installation gcc

 sudo apt-get install gcc

Installation g++

 sudo apt-get install g++

Installation eclipse for C++

> Visit the URL Below


> Search for Eclipse for C++


> Download Linux [x86_64]

> After Downloading unzip the file and open the folder and double click on eclipse file

> Accept all Eclipse Setup for Location to be used to save projects

> From FIle > New Project > C++ Project > Cmake > Cmake Project > Give the Project name > Then hit finish

> The Reason Behind Using Cmake to can download libraries online and add them to the project meanwhile it will help you in building the project easily and can help in future to add more libraries and even export project to be executed on other devices Thanks to @KareemAhmed22 this has been added

> You will find at the left Project Explore that have 2 Main files : Your Project name .cpp and CMakeList.txt and Binaries and Build Folder

Your Code will be Inside the Your Project name .cpp To Download Libraries Online and Use it inside your Project we will use in future CMakeList.txt Build Folder Where the Downloaded Libraries will built with their dependences Binaries Folder for the Executables Files

After Understanding Eclipse Let's Add our Library " cpr C++ "

First of All Visit this repo on github as this library we are going to use and have a look at readme :


You will find out Label for Usage :


You will find some CMakeList.txt Scripts

You will copy them and paste at your CMakeFile.txt at your project inside Eclipse Below is my CMakeFile.txt you can use it directly but Every Omar Word Replace it in the next code with your Project name

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)

project (omar)

add_executable(omar omar.cpp)
FetchContent_Declare(cpr GIT_REPOSITORY
                         GIT_TAG beb9e98806bb84bcc130a2cebfbcbbc6ce62b335) # The commit hash for 1.7.2. Replace with the latest from:

target_link_libraries(omar PRIVATE cpr::cpr)


You will face Problem to Make the CMakeFile.txt with each build to ensure that any update their will bounce direct back to your project.

To Solve This Check the Stackoverflow Issue and Try to follow it .

Screenshot from 2022-02-14 20-17-14

Screenshot from 2022-02-14 20-17-18

After this. When you are going to run the Project This will run automatic to ensure all libraries are supplied and up to date

C++ Code :

 // Libraries Used in the Code

#include <iostream>
// Standard Library for Input Output Operations
#include <cpr/cpr.h>
// Our Main Library for Communication with the API
#include <string>
//Handling the Strings in the Code
#include <thread>
// To make Threads to run Features Parallel
#include <sstream>
// we used it here to can Make stream to store the Phone Number then Transform it to String as Setpercision function works only with streams
#include <iomanip>
// to can use setprecision function to work to can get the float without decimal point
using namespace std;
// Using the Standard Namespace

// Main Function Used to register Accounts
// This Fucntion take 3 Variables :
// The first Variable : Keyword which is the keyword that will manipulate the Username and Email
// The Second Variable : is K which is used for Creating Phone Number
// The Third Variable : is the Number of Iteration needed to be done

void omar (string keyword,double k,int iteration)
    // the loop that will help with register all needed users

    for(int i = 0 ; i < iteration;i++)
            stringstream stream;
            // This is to make a new string stream object called stream

            stream << std::fixed << setprecision(0) << i+k;
            // Here we are saving at stream tha sum of i + k but taking in consideration that the percision is 0 which means no decimel point and std::fixed is for keep the accuracy of our double or float to 6 digits after the decimel.

            string phone = stream.str();

            // Save at a new variable called phone the string saved in stream

            string body = "{\"userName\":\""+keyword+to_string(i)+"\",\"email\":\""+keyword+to_string(i)+"\",\"password\":\"abdeceasdasd\",\"phone\":\""+phone+"\"}";

            // Here we store the json generated order to can send it in variable called Body 

            auto r = cpr::Post(cpr::Url{""}

            // Here in cpr we use it to make POST request by giving it the Url that we are going to use which is
            // By Giving to cpr too that the header is Application Json and then send in the bodd the body we created

//  cout<<r.text <<endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // To make the Program run multiple times parallel we start using Threads

    // Next we will initiate 8 Threads 

    // thread working like this 

    // thread name_of_tread(function_you_are_going_to_run , function Variables )

    thread th1(omar, "xxxx",19091222334,1000);

    thread th2(omar, "xxxxx",29094222334,1000);

    thread th3(omar, "xxxxxx",39066222334,1000);

    thread th4(omar, "xxxxxxx",49042223341,1000);

    thread th5(omar, "xxxxxxxx",50042223341,1000);

    thread th6(omar, "xxxxxxxxx",60042223341,1000);

    thread th7(omar, "xxxxxxxxxx",70042223341,1000);

    thread th8(omar, "xxxxxxxxxxx",80042223341,1000);

    // Here we start launching the Threads 

    // THe program Automatic will close after finishing all threads
    return 0;

After Adding this code to your project in your C++ File inside Eclipse you will need to start Compile and Run it :

First you will need to build your Project and then Run it and TaDaaaaa You are Live :)



For Future Development :


omarokasha1 commented 2 years ago

@AsimAyman @mirette3 @youssefelgebaly Please Review this and Give me a Feedback Today

mirette3 commented 2 years ago

username=keyword+str(I) "I" refer to what?

Ka8eemHelmy commented 2 years ago

Thanks to add my Comment about why we need a Cmake.

youssefelgebaly commented 2 years ago

Fantastic documentation, I don't know what is CMakeList.txt. Is it possible to rely on the language of an one of them?

omarokasha1 commented 2 years ago

@youssefelgebaly image

Is this enough to understand what is cmake and it's file or not ?

AsimAyman commented 2 years ago

Python Code : This code we use to API Overload Test Procedures of registration ,login and getting profile data of the spastic user by the token. Thanks to @omarokasha1 for coding.

# Adding Libraries that we will use in our Program : 

import requests 
# For Importing Library Requests
import json 
# For Importing Library Json

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# Test Connection to server

response = requests.get("") 
# make HTTP Get Request to check if the Server Live or Not

# print the Response of the Server which usually will be Status 200 

# ------------------------------------------------------------

# We need to start automating Register, Login and get profile to the API 
# Through Using a While Loop we will have a Counter inside that will break the loop after reaching special Number 
# Through the Loop the Application will send and get through the Api the Needed Data using Requests Function and we will receive the response and validate it
# API need to send to it a Unique userName , Email , Phone 
# So we Fixed the username and Email through a variable called Keyword
# Validation over the Phone Number is the number must be 11 Number through a Fixed Variable will changed everytime based on the counter
# To get profile we use the token we have got from the user x who signed.

keyword = 'omaromar7'
# The Variable Used to create the userName and Email

Phonee =44745902600*2
# The Variable used to create the Phone Number will call it Phonee

# Initiate the Counter 

while 1:
  # Starting of the Loop
  # Must take in consideration the Spaces as Python Senstive for the Spaces 

  # Create Email Variable using the Keyword and the Current counter and for example

  # Create Password Variable using a fixed string which is "1111111111111" and the Current counter 

   # Create Phone Variable using the sum of  Phonee and Current counter 

   # Create username Variable using the String sum of  keyword and Current counter as String which will be omar0 

  r ='', json={"email":email,"password":password,"phone":phone,"userName":username})
  # Here Code make a POST request by sending to the API '' a json body as mentioned above and store the response at " r "

  # Print all the response

  # print the JSON Content

  # store the JSON Content inside new Variable 

  # print the attribute that have the key token

  l ='', json={"email":email,"password":password})
  # Here Code make a POST request by sending to the API '' a json body as mentioned above and store the response at " l "


  # Increment the Counter
#  o = input("dsad")

  p = requests.get('', headers={"x-auth-token":x['token']})
   # Here Code make a GET request by sending to the API '' a head and store the response at " p "
 # o = input("dsad")

  # Break the Loop if we reached that Number of Rounder or Users Registers 
AsimAyman commented 2 years ago

C++ under development

 // Libraries Used in the Code

#include <iostream>
// Standard Library for Input Output Operations
#include <cpr/cpr.h>
// Our Main Library for Communication with the API
#include <string>
//Handling the Strings in the Code
#include <thread>
// To make Threads to run Features Parallel
#include <sstream>
// we used it here to can Make stream to store the Phone Number then Transform it to String as Setpercision function works only with streams
#include <iomanip>
// to can use setprecision function to work to can get the float without decimal point
using namespace std;
// Using the Standard Namespace

// Main Function Used to register Accounts
// This Fucntion take 3 Variables :
// The first Variable : Keyword which is the keyword that will manipulate the Username and Email
// The Second Variable : is K which is used for Creating Phone Number
// The Third Variable : is the Number of Iteration needed to be done

void omar (string keyword,double k,int iteration)
    // the loop that will help with register all needed users

    for(int i = 0 ; i < iteration;i++)
            stringstream stream;
            // This is to make a new string stream object called stream

            stream << std::fixed << setprecision(0) << i+k;
            // Here we are saving at stream tha sum of i + k but taking in consideration that the percision is 0 which means no decimel point and std::fixed is for keep the accuracy of our double or float to 6 digits after the decimel.

            string phone = stream.str();

            // Save at a new variable called phone the string saved in stream

            string body = "{\"userName\":\""+keyword+to_string(i)+"\",\"email\":\""+keyword+to_string(i)+"\",\"password\":\"abdeceasdasd\",\"phone\":\""+phone+"\"}";

            // Here we store the json generated order to can send it in variable called Body 

            auto r = cpr::Post(cpr::Url{""}

            // Here in cpr we use it to make POST request by giving it the Url that we are going to use which is
            // By Giving to cpr too that the header is Application Json and then send in the bodd the body we created

            // login
            String lbody="{"email\":\""+keyword+to_string(i)+"\",\"password\":\"abdeceasdasd\"}";
            auto l= cpr::POST(cpr::Url{""}

            // get profile
            String pLogin="{"token":r.json['token']}"
            auto p= cpr::get(cpr::Url{""}

//  cout<<r.text <<endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // To make the Program run multiple times parallel we start using Threads

    // Next we will initiate 8 Threads 

    // thread working like this 

    // thread name_of_tread(function_you_are_going_to_run , function Variables )

    thread th1(omar, "xxxx",19091222334,1000);

    thread th2(omar, "xxxxx",29094222334,1000);

    thread th3(omar, "xxxxxx",39066222334,1000);

    thread th4(omar, "xxxxxxx",49042223341,1000);

    thread th5(omar, "xxxxxxxx",50042223341,1000);

    thread th6(omar, "xxxxxxxxx",60042223341,1000);

    thread th7(omar, "xxxxxxxxxx",70042223341,1000);

    thread th8(omar, "xxxxxxxxxxx",80042223341,1000);

    // Here we start launching the Threads 

    // THe program Automatic will close after finishing all threads
    return 0;
AsimAyman commented 2 years ago

since @omarokasha1 has developed our own code to test API response automatically ,but there is a tool which is provided by Postman can do the work for us. Postman Installing and updating How use the Collection Runner

omarokasha1 commented 2 years ago

Nice assem let's try it and have a feedback