ome / omero-web-apps-examples

Example Setup for Web Apps
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This template repository contains examples of OMERO.web apps for the following setups:

  1. minimal example (no JavaScript dependencies or build steps)
  2. react (react.js, created using create-react-app)

We will run the simplest example app below. This is called minimal_webapp.

See the react-webapp/README for details on building and installing that app.


You can install and run the omero-web server in a Python virtual environment or via Docker.

The react-webapp example app uses Node.js to build the JavaScript app and requires Node.js 6 or higher.

Clone this repository

Clone this examples repo to a location of your choice:


$ git clone

Run your app with locally-installed OMERO.web

If you have installed OMERO.web locally in a virtual environment as recommended here <>_, you can pip install the example apps. N.B. all examples apart from the minimal_webapp also require a JavaScript install and build steps. See the README for each example for more details.

To install minimal_webapp::

# within your python venv:
$ cd minimal-webapp
$ pip install -e .

You also need to add your app to the :property:omero.web.apps setting:

N.B. Here we use single quotes around double quotes.


$ omero config append omero.web.apps '"minimal_webapp"'

Now restart your omero-web server and go to http://localhost:4080/minimal_webapp/ <http://localhost:4080/minimal_webapp/>_ in your browser.

Run your app with OMERO.web in a Docker container

The following walk-through uses omero-web-docker <>_ to run the app. Here we add minimal_webapp to the installed apps and map the app directory to the site-packages directory in the Docker instance so that python can import the minimal_webapp module.


# You need to be in the project directory for this to work.
# cd omero-web-apps-examples/

# The OMERO server we want to connect to.

# Path to the Python module for the app.
$ appdir=$(pwd)/minimal-webapp/minimal_webapp

# Location within Docker instance we want to link the app, so it can be imported.
$ docker_appdir=/opt/omero/web/venv3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/minimal_webapp

# This example config file installs "minimal_webapp". See the file for more details.
$ config=$(pwd)/config.omero

# Location within Docker instance we want to mount the config.
$ docker_config=/opt/omero/web/config/config.omero

# Run Docker container.
$ docker run -it --rm -e OMEROHOST=$host -p 4080:4080 -v $appdir:$docker_appdir -v $config:$docker_config openmicroscopy/omero-web-standalone:5.6.0-m4

This will run Docker in the foreground, showing the output in your terminal and allowing you to kill the container with Ctrl-C. You should see the following lines in the output, indicating that OMERO.web is starting and the static files from your app are being included.


Copying '/opt/omero/web/venv3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/minimal_webapp/static/minimal_webapp/app.css'
Copying '/opt/omero/web/venv3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/minimal_webapp/static/minimal_webapp/app.js'
Starting OMERO.web...

Now go to http://localhost:4080/minimal_webapp/ <http://localhost:4080/minimal_webapp/>_ in your browser.


For building look at the READMEs of the respective setup/folder. To use one of them as a basis for your own web app just copy its contents into your project root and add/modify/delete accordingly.

In particular the following folders/files need adjustments/renames:

Further Info

For more documentation on how to create a Django web app and development have a look at:

  1. CreateApp <>_
  2. Deployment <>_

For further help/documentation on the frameworks used please consult their project sites: