A programming language specifically designed for describing turn based hex-grid board games rules and simulating them.
The goal of this language is to be as straight-forward for non-programmers as possible while retaining programmable flexibility in the construction of game rules to maximize board game design space for fun and creativity.
Game loop:
- item/resource setup
- rule setup (acts on items)
- player setup, player-specific rules
- board setup
- loop until winning condition reached
- player execute rule
- meta rule executed
- rules modified as a result of player-executed-rule take into effect
- select next player
Game data structures are generally dictionary entires
Rule - global or per-player logic, composed of one or more actions stored as a tree of nodes (see AST)
Item - countable units per player or global (bank)
Alias - a word that can be player-resolved into a number of items xor rules
Verb - specifies action to be performed,
- AST - rules are stored as a pseudo abstract syntax trees
- each node can either be an operator or a verb
- operators govern the structure of the tree (and, or, if, then, else)
- verbs specifies how to modify game data
- verbs may also modify rules themselves
- each node has an action, an amount, and a kind
- ex. pay 3 coin becomes a verb with action='pay' amount=3 and kind='coin'
- data is contained globally, per player, per tile, per unit on tile, or per AST node in rule or per-player-rule.
- each player is a dictionary that can contain items (coin, food, etc), alias, and rules
- a verb acts on items
- a metaVerb acts on other verbs inside a rule
- an alias may contain all items or all rules
- when an alias is encountered, player will resolve ambiguity with a selection
cancel an action - a rule or verb may return true or false, but player may wish to undo action before
dot syntax - implies hierarchy, properties
1. can be dictionary lookup: ex player.coin is translated to player['coin'] internally
2. can be tree traversal:
- ex. verb.blocked.amount is ASTNode.left.amount IF verbs.__contains__(ASTNode.action) and IF ASTNode.left.action == 'blocked'
- Assumes 1. if kind is an item and 2. if kind is a rule
metaVerb - verbs that modifies other verbs
- metaVerbs are determined by how they are used
- a rule that uses a metaVerb must specify a rule or a rule alias as its kind type, eg kind='trade'
- all metaVerbs act on 1 verb inside a rule, when a rule has more than one verb, player decides
ex. #metaVerb
unblock: if verb.blocked.amount > 0 then verb.amount++ and verb.blocked.amount--
#rule alias
topRow: bolster, trade, use,
#rule that enacts a metaVerb on 1 unit of a verb aliased to topRow
upgrade: unblock 1 topRow
metaRule - rules executed in response to player executed rules after a turn
- register which rule a player just executed, then execute corresponding metaRules; beware of dependencies and metarule execution order requirements; can metaRules be dependent on other metaRules?
- ex. if player exec upgrade then
for p in player.adjacent do
if p.upgrade.recruit then
p gain 1 power
player reference
- player (the player of current turn)
- adjacent.player - players physically adjacent to player of current turn
data reference
- data in per player rule (upgrade.recruit.power)
- data on board location (tile.resource)
- data indirect references (adjacent.player.worker.position.tile.resource)
- move units on hex grid
- hex board setup and resource placement in association with tiles
- priorities should be programmable
- prioritize player.rule over global.rule or vice versa