omise / omise-python

Omise Python Library
MIT License
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payment python

Omise Python Library

Build Status Python Versions PyPi Version

Please raise an issue or contact if you have a question regarding this library and the functionality it provides.

Security Warning

Please do NOT use Omise Python library versions less than 0.9.0, as they are outdated and have security vulnerabilities.


To use Omise Python library in your application, install it using pip:

pip install omise

Or easy_install in case your system does not have pip installed:

easy_install omise

The Omise Python library officially supports the following Python versions:

Versions not listed here may work but they are not automatically tested.


Please refer to examples in our API documentation. For basic usage, you can use the package in your application by importing omise and setting the secret key:

import omise
omise.api_secret = 'skey_test_4xsjvwfnvb2g0l81sjz'

After the secret key is set, you can use all APIs that use secret key authentication.

To create a new card charge, use Omise.js to create a new token and run the following:

token_id = "tokn_test_no1t4tnemucod0e51mo" # see
charge = omise.Charge.create(
# <Charge id='chrg_test_5ktrim62oiosnrc1r41' at 0x105d6bf28>
# 'successful'

To create a new customer without any cards associated to the customer, run the following:

customer = omise.Customer.create(
   description='John Doe',
# <Customer id='cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb' at 0x7ffab7136910>

Then to retrieve, update, and destroy that customer, run the following:

customer = omise.Customer.retrieve('cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb')
customer.description = 'John W. Doe'
# <Customer id='cust_test_4xtrb759599jsxlhkrb' at 0x7ffab7136910>
# True

In case of error (such as authentication failure, invalid card and others as listed in errors section in the documentation), the error of a subclass omise.errors.BaseError will be raised. Your application code should handle these errors appropriately.

API version

To enforce the API version that the application must use, set api_version. The version specified by this setting will override the version setting in your account. This is useful if you have multiple environments with different API versions (e.g. development on the latest but production on the older version).

import omise
omise.api_version = '2019-05-29'

It is highly recommended to set this version to the current version that you are using.


The Omise Python library uses tox and Docker for testing. All changes must be tested against all supported Python versions. You can run tests using the following instructions:

  1. Install Docker
  2. Run docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app --rm $(docker build -q .)

This command builds a Docker image using the Dockerfile, mounts the current directory to the container's /app directory, and runs the default entrypoint for the image: /app/

After you've made your changes and run the tests, please open a Pull Request.
