As trying to train my model I have found the following issue in the file.
In read_image_and_gt(), the original width and height are stored after the image was resized thus resulting in the fact that the scaling coefficients for X and Y will always be 1. If you were to train on images with different sizes this could be a major problem, because the bounding boxes won't be scaled accordingly.
def read_image_and_gt(img_files, gt_files, config):
for img_name, gt_name in zip(img_files, gt_files):
#open img
img = cv2.imread(img_name).astype(np.float32, copy=False)
# scale image
img = cv2.resize( img, (config.IMAGE_WIDTH, config.IMAGE_HEIGHT))
#subtract means
img = (img - np.mean(img))/ np.std(img)
#store original height and width?
orig_h, orig_w, _ = [float(v) for v in img.shape]
# scale annotation
x_scale = config.IMAGE_WIDTH / orig_w
y_scale = config.IMAGE_HEIGHT / orig_h
# scale boxes
bboxes_per_file[:, 0::2] = bboxes_per_file[:, 0::2] * x_scale
bboxes_per_file[:, 1::2] = bboxes_per_file[:, 1::2] * y_scale
As trying to train my model I have found the following issue in the file.
In read_image_and_gt(), the original width and height are stored after the image was resized thus resulting in the fact that the scaling coefficients for X and Y will always be 1. If you were to train on images with different sizes this could be a major problem, because the bounding boxes won't be scaled accordingly.