omnia-digital / livewire-calendar

Laravel Livewire component to show Events in a good looking monthly calendar
MIT License
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calendar laravel livewire omnia

Livewire Calendar

This package allows you to build a Livewire monthly calendar grid to show events for each day. Events can be loaded from within the component and will be presented on each day depending on the date of the event.

Special thanks to asantibanez/livewire-calendar as this originally was a fork of that package. We are using this new package in one of our large projects so we will be actively maintaining.




You can install the package via composer:

composer require omnia-digital/livewire-calendar


This package uses livewire/livewire ( under the hood.

It also uses TailwindCSS ( for base styling.

Please make sure you include both of this dependencies before using this component.


In order to use this component, you must create a new Livewire component that extends from LivewireCalendar

You can use make:livewire to create a new component. For example.

php artisan make:livewire AppointmentsCalendar
class AppointmentsCalendar extends LivewireCalendar

In this class, you must override the following method

public function events() : Collection
    // must return a Laravel collection

In the events() method, return a collection holding the events that will be displayed on the calendar. Events must be keyed arrays holding at least the following keys: id, title, description, date (date must be a Carbon\Carbon instance).


public function events() : Collection
    return collect([
            'id' => 1,
            'title' => 'Breakfast',
            'description' => 'Pancakes! 🥞',
            'date' => Carbon::today(),
            'id' => 2,
            'title' => 'Meeting with Pamela',
            'description' => 'Work stuff',
            'date' => Carbon::tomorrow(),

The date value will be used to determine to what day the event belongs to. To load values in the events() method, you can use the following component properties to filter your events.


public function events(): Collection
    return Model::query()
        ->whereDate('scheduled_at', '>=', $this->gridStartsAt)
        ->whereDate('scheduled_at', '<=', $this->gridEndsAt)
        ->map(function (Model $model) {
            return [
                'id' => $model->id,
                'title' => $model->title,
                'description' => $model->notes,
                'date' => $model->scheduled_at,

Now, we can include our component in any view.



This will render a calendar grid.

By default, the component will render the current month. If you want to change the starting month, you can set the year and month props.



You should include scripts with @livewireCalendarScripts to enable drag and drop which is turned on by default. You must include them after @livewireScripts


The component has 3 public methods that can help navigate forward and backward through months:

You can use these methods on extra views using before-calendar-view or after-calendar-view explained below.

Advanced usage

Ui customization

You can customize the behavior of the component with the following properties when rendering on a view:

    week-starts-at="0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. 0 stands for Sunday"
    drag-and-drop-classes="css classes"

Advanced ui customization

(This options should be used using blade views based on the component default views)

To use these options, it is recommended to publish the base blade views used by the component and extend their behavior and styling to your liking. To do this, run php artisan vendor:publish and export the livewire-calendar tag.



Interaction customization

You can override the following methods to add interactivity to your component

public function onDayClick($year, $month, $day)
    // This event is triggered when a day is clicked
    // You will be given the $year, $month and $day for that day

public function onEventClick($eventId)
    // This event is triggered when an event card is clicked
    // You will be given the event id that was clicked

public function onEventDropped($eventId, $year, $month, $day)
    // This event will fire when an event is dragged and dropped into another calendar day
    // You will get the event id, year, month and day where it was dragged to

Automatic polling

You can also add automatic polling if needed using pollMillis parameters. You can combo with pollAction in order to call a specific action in your component at the desired polling interval.

Disabling interactions

By default click and drag/drop events are enabled. To disable them you can use the following parameters when rendering the component



composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email us at instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.