is a Python library that parses OpenStreetMap data in XML <>
_ and PBF <>
_ format.
It has a simple API and it is fast and easy to use. It also works across multiple CPU/cores for extra speed.
.. note:: Imposm-parser is in maintenance mode and it's unlikely that we will provide any further releases.
It is developed and supported by Omniscale <>
and released under the Apache Software License 2.0 <>
Here is an example that parses an OSM file and counts all ways that are tagged as a highway. ::
from imposm.parser import OSMParser
class HighwayCounter(object): highways = 0
def ways(self, ways):
# callback method for ways
for osmid, tags, refs in ways:
if 'highway' in tags:
self.highways += 1
counter = HighwayCounter() p = OSMParser(concurrency=4, ways_callback=counter.ways) p.parse('germany.osm.pbf')
print counter.highways
Source code and issue tracker are available at <>