omribene / sampling-nodes

Source code of the project "Sampling multiple nodes in large networks: Beyond random walks", by Ben-Eliezer, Eden, Oren, and Fotakis (WSDM 2022,
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Source code of the project "Sampling multiple nodes in large networks: Beyond random walks", by Ben-Eliezer, Eden, Oren, and Fotakis (WSDM 2022). See for the full version of the paper.

General Notes

The list of relative network paths, column separators, titles, and directed flags (whether they are directed or not) are listed in the script src/ The file is used by both our algorithms and the previous algorithm implementations.

Before first usage

In order to run our code, dataset files need to be downloaded and (mildly) preprocessed. Our code reads files in the igraph "edgelist" format. Each line should consist of a pair of IDs (numbers) of vertices. No metadata/comment lines are allowed.

For example, to run our code over the Epinions dataset (, download and extract the dataset file from the above website into the data/networks subfolder of the project, then make sure to remove all metadata lines (those starting with #) from the dataset file.

Note: please make sure that the path in src/utils/ points to the location of the dataset.

Running SampLayer and SampLayer+

Our code provides two algorithms, SampLayer and SampLayer+, for sampling random nodes. SampLayer only assumes standard query access (querying a node reveals list of neighbors). SampLayer+ also assumes query returns degrees of neighbors.


python src/ [args]

where args:

Example: python src/ --num_samples 100 --eps 0.03 --dataset_idx 0 --L0_size 2000 --L1_num_initial_samples 1000 --L2_num_initial_reaches 150 --num_additional_L1_nodes_per_sample 2 --output_path foo.tsv

Previous Random Walk Algorithms

Our results are benchmarked against the random walk algorithms Rej, MH, and MH+ from the paper On Sampling Nodes in a Network by Chierichetti et al. The algorithm MD from their paper is also implemented here, but was not tested due to impractical running time.


python src/previous_exp/ [args]

where args:

Example: python src/previous_exp/ --method rej --output_path bla --interval_length 10 --num_intervals 100 --exp_num 100 --cpu_count 4 --min_dataset_idx 0 --max_dataset_idx 0 --n_steps_min 5 --n_steps_max 9 --n_init_nodes 1 --starting_node 100