omv-ysong / DeepSeaRenderer

Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator
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Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator

Project Homepage:

GitHub page:


  title={Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator},
  author={Song, Yifan and Nakath, David and She, Mengkun and Elibol, Furkan and K{\\"o}ser, Kevin},
  booktitle={Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges},

New features are added to handle real world scene with imperfect depth maps. They have been used in:

  title={Virtually throwing benchmarks into the ocean for deep sea photogrammetry and image processing evaluation},
  author={Song, Yifan and She, Mengkun and K{\"o}ser, Kevin},
  journal={ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences},

Install dependencies from the default Ubuntu repositories

sudo apt-get install git cmake libeigen3-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libopencv-dev

Configure and compile DeepSeaRenderer

git clone
cd DeepSeaRenderer
cmake .

running test

(Test images are in DeepSeaRenderer/testset_bomb/)

cd bin

If you want to make a quick test on your own imags, the easiest way is:

  1. Set proper parameters according to your requirements in the DeepSeaRenderer/testset_bomb/config.yaml file;
  2. Replace the image and depth path in testset_bomb/img_lists.txt and testset_bomb/depth_lists.txt to your images. (Image and depth names should in the same order.) run:
cd bin

running test on real world scene RGB-D images

(Test images are in DeepSeaRenderer/testset_middlebury/Adirondack_perfect/). You can call ./testRenderer with specified config, image and depth list files (must 3 input files in fixed order, otherwise the default files will be loaded.):

cd bin
./testRenderer ../testset_middlebury/Adirondack_perfect/config.yaml ../testset_middlebury/Adirondack_perfect/img_lists.txt ../testset_middlebury/Adirondack_perfect/depth_lists.txt

How to integrate the code to your own project

  1. Set proper parameters in the config.yaml file;
  2. Initialize renderer;
#include "src/depth.h"
#include "src/rendering.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>


uw::Renderer renderer;
  1. Pre-compute 3D backscatter lookup table:
  1. Get in-air texture (cv::Mat, CV_8UC3) and depth (cv::Mat, CV_32FC1), example:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(image_path, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::Mat dMap = cv::imread(depth_path, cv::IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH);
  1. Generate underwater image.
cv::Mat new_img_double = renderer.RenderUnderwater(img, dMap);
renderer.WriteDoubleMatTo8Bit(new_img_double, output_name);

Description of parameters in the config file

Parameter Name Type Description Example
scale_factor float control the global brightness, similar to the ISO or exposure time of the camera 8.0
scale_factor_bs float control the strength of the backscatter effect, usually set to 1000 times to the scale_factor. Increase the factor will make stronger backscatter in the rendered images. 8000.0
render_back_scatter bool render backscatter effect in the output images, this will pre-render the 3D backscatter lookup table. true
volumetric_max_depth float max depth [m] of the 3D backscatter lookup table (recommend values: 8-10). 8.0
num_volumetric_slabs int number of slabs in the 3D backscatter lookup table. 10
write_slab bool save all slabs in the 3D backscatter lookup table as EXR images. false
slab_sampling_method int slab sampling method, 0: EQUAL_DISTANCE, 1: ADAPTIVE 1
image_width_height [int, int] image width and height in pixels. (Don't miss the square bracket: []) [800, 600]
camera_intrinsic_matrix [float, float, ... (9 elements)] camera intrinsic matrix: [fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1], if only one element is given will be read as camera field of view in radian. [600.0, 0.0, 400.0, 0.0, 600.0, 400.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
white_balance [float, float, float] camera white balance in R, G, B. [2.2, 1.0, 1.4]
water_attenuation_RGB [float, float, float] water attenuation parameters in R, G, B. (unit: m-¹) [0.37, 0.044, 0.035]
vsf_type int lVolume Scattering Function, 1:VSF_clear, 2:VSF_coast, 3:VSF_turbid (1-3 from Pezolds' measurements), 4:H-G. 3
light_spectrum_RGB [float, float, float] light spectrum in R, G, B. (relative value, range in [0.0, 1.0]) [0.25, 0.35, 0.4]
light_ambient_RGB [float, float, float] ambient light component (Phong shading) in R,G,B order. (range in [0.0, 1.0]) [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
light_RID_type int light RID type, 0: gaussian, 1: lab measurement. 0
num_lights int number of lights. 3
light_positions_XYZ [[float, float, float]] relative position [in meter] of all lights refer to the camera, number of XYZ coordinates should fit to the number of lights. (each square bracket contains XYZ for each light: [X, Y, Z], another square bracket includes all the lights.) [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
light_orientations_RollPitchYaw [[float, float, float]] relative rotation angles [radian] of all lights in Roll, Pitch, Yaw, initial orientation is the camera viewing direction, number of RollPitchYaw angles should fit to the number of lights. [[0.0, -0.785, 0.0], [0.785, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.785, 0.0]]
write_uw_img_in_exr bool save float images in exr format. false
depth_smooth _window_size int kernal size of the median filter for smoothing normal eages, 0 means no smoothing, can only be 0, 3, 5. 3
refine_depth bool inpaint incomplete depth maps if needed false
auto_iso bool automatically adjust the brightness of the output images, similar to auto ISO + auto WB settings in digital camera, output color may change because it adjust channels separately. false