omz13 / kirby3-badges

kirby3 plugin to make badges
MIT License
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Kirby3 badges

License Kirby Version Issues

Requirement: Kirby 3

Coffee, Beer, etc.

This plugin is free. However, to show your support, especially if using it in a commercial project, you are welcome (greatly encouraged) to:



For a Kirby3-powered site, this plugin (omz13/badges) provides a KirbyTag (called badge) that allows badges to be rendered in a page.


The non-binding list of further features and implementation notes are:


Pick one of the following per your epistemological model:

For the record: installation by composer is cool; supporting installation by zip and submodule was an absolute pain, especially as I am an installation by composer person, so do feel guilted into getting me Coffee, Beer, etc., because this is for your benefit and not mine (and yes, I would have have preferred to spend my time somewhere warm and sunny instead of being hunched over a keyboard while the snow falls outside and the thermometer shows no inclination to get above 0C).


The following mechanisms can be used to modify the plugin's behavior.

via config.php

In your site's site/config/config.php the following entries prefixed with omz13.badges. can be used:

For example:


return [
  '' => 'plastic',
  'omz13.badges.class' => 'badge',


"(badge:" key value [ color [ "style:"style ] ] ")"

When writing content, this plugin provide a new tag, badge, which has two mandatory parameters that specify the key and value for the badge; an optional third parameter specifies the color for the value, either as a named color (e.g. red) or a RGBhex (e.g. 428F7E).

An optional attribute of style can be used to override the default style (c.f. style in Configuration).

Parameters can be separated by spaces (`), commas (,), or semicolons (;`).

If key is not supplied, then ??? will be used.

If value is not supplied, then ??? will be used.


Use the (implicit) style from the configuration, or explictly set:

  - (badge: style, implicit - from configuration)
  - (badge: style, explicit flat style:flat)
  - (badge: style, explicit plastic style:plastic)
  - (badge: style, explicit flat-square style:flat-square)


Applying some color:

- (badge: copyright ; public domain ; green  )
- (badge: stability: unstable orange)
- (badge: licence MIT)
- (badge: statis YES yellow)


Missing key and/or value:

- (badge:)
- (badge: wibble)



This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please create a new issue.



You are prohibited from using this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.