onaseef / yomobi

YoMobi Mobile Builder Platform
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YoMobi is a mobile website builder that aims to be generic enough to fit many use cases.

YoMobi is built using Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.8, generic ActiveRecord (i.e. no db-specific sql), and CouchDB 1.1.1.


YoMobi involves three main parties: The website, the user, and the user generated [mobile] website (UGW).

The Website

The website consists of three parts: the mobile builder, the mobile emulator, and the user admin interface.

The builder is the interface that the user uses to manipulate the UGW. The emulator previews the UGW within the builder interface. The user admin interface lets the user do all other behind-the-scenes actions, such as email/texting his followers, or editing his account credentials.

The User

The user is the one who registers an account at yomobi.com. The user uses the mobile builder to create his UGW, and uses the mobile emulator to view his work.

The Mobile Visitor

The mobile visitor visits a UWG (usually by a redirect) from a mobile device. Visiting the UWG is typically the only interaction a mobile visitor will have with YoMobi.

Development Environment Setup

There is a more detailed guide located in the wiki.

First time setup

$ git clone git@github.com:onaseef/yomobi.git
$ cd yomobi.git
$ bundle install

Environment Variables

These variables must be in your development environment:

GOOGLE_API_KEY - A Google url shortener api key.

S3_KEY - Your Amazon S3 public access key.

S3_SECRET - Your Amazon S3 secret access key.

SES_KEY (optional, dev only) - Your Amazon S3 public access key for emails. Defaults to the S3_KEY environment variable.

SES_SECRET (optional, dev only) - Your Amazon S3 secret access key for emails. Defaults to the S3_SECRET environment variable.

ARITCAPTCHA_S3_BUCKET - The bucket name on your Amazon S3 account to use for caching generated aritcaptcha images.

LOGO_S3_BUCKET - The bucket name on your Amazon S3 account to use for company logos (now called "site photos" in the front end).

COUCH_HOST - The CouchDB url to use for public mobile website data. Example: localhost:5984

COUCH_ADMIN_USER - The admin username to your CouchDB server.

COUCH_ADMIN_PASS - The admin password to your CouchDB server.

DEVISE_URL_HOST (optional) - The base url Devise will use for opt-out urls. Default: http://local.host:3000

ACTION_MAILER_HOST (optional) - The host ActionMailer will use for urls. Default: local.host:3000


NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME - The application name associated with the production newrelic.com account.

NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY - The license key associated with the production newrelic.com account.

HEROKU_API_KEY - The heroku api key associated with the production heroku app (used for domain managing).

Development Overview

Data Locations

The User Generated [Mobile] Website (UGW)

For an example in action, visit yomobi.com/yomobi

HTML / Templates

Code Flow

  1. views/layouts/mobile.slim - The entry point on page load.
  2. All widgets and mobile js code is loaded.
  3. The global MobileAppView is created, as well as its router (called "Controller" in this older version of backbone).
  4. The UGW meta doc and widget docs are fetched from the public couch.
  5. For each widget doc, its corresponding backbone view gets created and added to the global view.
  6. The UGW home view is rendered.

The Builder

Sign in and visit yomobi.com/builder/main to see this page.


Code Flow

  1. views/layouts/builder.slim - The entry point on page load.
  2. views/builder/index.slim - The layout html for the builder index page.
    1. The sidebar is loaded.
    2. The global MobileAppView is loaded, then extended in builder-app.js.
    3. The global BuilderAppView is loaded.
  3. All widgets and mobile js code are loaded.
  4. All widget builder extensions and builder js code are loaded.


Each widget type (not subtype) requires its own js file in javascripts/widgets/mobile/. All widgets extend widgets/mobile/base.js. On the builder page, the base widget is extended with builder-specific code in widgets/builder/base.js.

See /lib/couch-docs.rb for all widgets types and their respective meta-data (most of this data probably belongs in several of its own json files).

Widget initial data and meta data are loaded in views/shared/_data-loader.html.erb and views/shared/_mobile-data-loader.html.erb.


Mobile Views

The generic WidgetPageView is declared in widgets/mobile/base.js. This can be extended in a specific widget's js file, such as in widgets/mobile/leave_msg.js.

A widget's mobile page template is always located in views/shared/_templates.slim.

Widget Editor Views (located in builder page)

The generic EditWidgetView is declared in javascripts/views/edit-widget.js. This is what you see when you click on a widget in the emulator on the builder page. This can be extended in a specific widget's js file, such as in widgets/mobile/gmap.js.

A widget's editor template is always located in views/builder/_templates.slim.