ondato / ondato-sdk-flutter

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Ondato Flutter

A Plugin and an example app for using Ondato SDK in Flutter.

For full Ondato implementation sample open example folder.

Getting Started

To use this plugin:

  1. add dependency;
  2. setup android;
  3. setup ios;
  4. use plugin in application.

Add dependency

Add ondato_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file;

      url: git@github.com:ondato/sample-sdk-app-flutter.git
      ref: main


  1. Go to android/app/build.gradle and change minSdkVersion to minSdkVersion 21

  2. In android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml add android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light"



  1. In the same ios/Podfile add platform :ios, '13.0' at the top of the file;

  2. Add camera usage description in ios/Runner/Info.plist:

    <string>Required for document and facial capture</string>

Use plugin

Add your identification id, start the application and press the button to start the identification process.

import 'package:ondato_flutter/ondato_config.dart';
import 'package:ondato_flutter/ondato_flutter.dart';
String yourIdentificationId = 'YOUR_IDENTIFICATION_ID';

  onPressed: () => startIdentification(),
  child: Text('Start Identification'),

Theme Customization


In order to enhance the user experience on the transition between your application and the SDK, you can provide some customisation by defining certain colors inside your own android/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml file:

ondatoColorProgressBarAccent: Defines the color of the ProgressBarView which guides the user through the flow

ondatoColorButtonText: Defines the background color of the primary action buttons text

ondatoColorButtonBackgroundUnfocused: Defines the background color of the primary action buttons

ondatoColorButtonBackgroundFocusedStart: Defines the background color of the primary action buttons gradient start when pressed

ondatoColorButtonBackgroundFocusedCenter: Defines the background color of the primary action buttons gradient center when pressed

ondatoColorButtonBackgroundFocusedEnd: Defines the background color of the primary action buttons gradient end when pressed

ondatoColorErrorBg: Defines the background color of the error message background

ondatoColorErrorText: Defines the background color of the error message text color

ondatoColorPrimaryDark: Defines the taskbar color

Example of colors.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <color name="ondatoColorProgressBarAccent">#FF0099CC</color>


For iOS, use OndatoIosAppearance appearance on OndatoServiceConfiguration class.

Example of OndatoIosAppearance class:

  appearance: OndatoIosAppearance(
    errorColor: Colors.orange,
    progressColor: Colors.orange,