One Touch Provisioning (OTP) is a pattern that enables the seamless end-to-end provisioning of Red Hat OpenShift clusters, their applications, governance and policies to Public, Private, On-Premises and both Near and Far Edge Clouds all via Code.
This method/pattern is our opinionated implementation of the GitOps principles, using the latest and greatest tooling available, to enable the hitting of one big red button (figuratively) to start provisioning a platform that provides Cluster and Virtual Machine Provisioning capabilities, Governance and policy management, observability of Clusters and workloads and finally deployment of applications, such as IBM Cloud Paks, all within a single command*.
The pattern leans very heavily on technologies such as Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) and OpenShift GitOps (ArgoCD), enabling a process upon which OpenShift clusters, their applications, governance and policies are defined in Git repositories and by leveraging RHACM as a function of OpenShift GitOps, enables the seamless end to end provisioning of those environments.
Before Getting Started with this pattern, it's important to understand some of the concepts and technologies used. This will help reduce the barrier of entry when adopting the pattern and help understand why certain design decisions were made.
Deploy a "vanilla" Red Hat OpenShift cluster using one of the methods below:
CLI (version 4.10+). The binary can be downloaded from the Help menu from the OpenShift cluster console, or downloaded from the OpenShift Mirror website.Install helm CLI from
brew install helm
If you intend to use the SealedSecrets Operator, then it's recommended to install kubeseal CLI from
brew install kubeseal
There are two repository patterns to consider when leveraging GitOps: Monorepo or Polyrepo. For OTP, we have leveraged a Polyrepo structure, which consists of six git repositories within the GitOps workflow. You can learn more on why we chose a Polyrepo here.
, services
, policies
, clusters
and application
layers. Each ArgoCD Application will reference a specific resource that will be deployed to the RHACM Hub Cluster, or depending on your chosen configuration, it may include Spoke Cluster resources as well.Infrastructure GitOps repository
, clusterroles
, clusterrolebindings
, machinesets
to name a few. By leveraging "common repositories", you can reduce depulication of code and ensure a consistant set of resources are applied each time.subscriptions
for Operators, YAMLs of custom resources provided, or Helm Charts for tools provided by a third party. These resource would usually be managed by the Administrator(s) and/or a DevOps team supporting application developers. By leveraging "common repositories", you can reduce depulication of code and ensure a consistant set of resources are applied each time.Policies
to both the RHACM Hub and Spoke clusters. These resource would usually be managed by the GRC and/or Security teams. By leveraging "common repositories", you can reduce depulication of code and ensure a consistant set of resources are applied each time.OpenShift Clusters
. These resource would usually be managed by the Platform Administrator(s) and/or a Ops team supporting the Cloud Platforms. By leveraging "common repositories", you can reduce depulication of code and ensure a consistant set of resources are applied each time.OpenShift Clusters
. Contains the YAMLs for resources to deploy applications
. By leveraging "common repositories", you can reduce depulication of code and ensure a consistant set of resources are applied each time.Create a new GitHub Organization using instructions from this GitHub documentation.
Create the repositories within your new GitHub Organization and clone them locally.
GIT_ORG=<new-git-organization> OUTPUT_DIR=<gitops-repos> ./scripts/
) Many users may wish to use private Git repositories on GitHub to store their manifests, rather than leaving them publically readable. The steps for setting up OpenShift GitOps for Private repositories can be found here.
Update the default Git URL and branch references in your otp-gitops
repository by running the provided script ./scripts/
GIT_ORG=<GIT_ORG> GIT_BRANCH=master ./scripts/
.If you intend to deploy the Infrastructure Automation
component of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, then please follow the instructions here.
Install the OpenShift GitOps Operator and create a ClusterRole
and ClusterRoleBinding
oc apply -k setup/argocd-operator
while ! oc wait crd --timeout=-1s --for=condition=Established 2>/dev/null; do sleep 30; done
while ! oc wait pod --timeout=-1s --for=condition=Ready -l '!job-name' -n openshift-gitops > /dev/null; do sleep 30; done
Create a custom ArgoCD instance with custom checks. To customise which health checks, comment out those you don't need in setup/argocd-instance/kustomization.yaml
oc apply -k setup/argocd-instance
while ! oc wait pod --timeout=-1s --for=condition=ContainersReady -l -n openshift-gitops > /dev/null; do sleep 30; done
) If using IBM Cloud ROKS as a RHACM Hub Cluster, then you will need to configure TLS.
On AWS, Azure, GCP, vSphere and Baremetal you can run the following script to configure the machinesets, infra nodes and storage definitions for the Cloud
you are using for the RHACM Hub Cluster.
This will deploy additional nodes to support OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) for Persistant Storage, as well as additional nodes to support Infrastructure (aka infra) components, such as RHACM, Quay, Ingress Controllers, OpenShift Internal Registry and ACS.
This is a design choice to reduce OpenShift licensing requirements as running these components on Infrastructure nodes does not consume a subscription cost.
When running on Baremetal, it will utilise Local Storage for deploying ODF. It will autoselect all workerIt will not deploy additional nodes for storage or Infra, this will be improved upon in later versions.
If you are running a managed OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud, you can deploy OpenShift Data Foundation as an add-on. You will also need to label some of your worker nodes as Infra nodes, otherwise RHACM will fail to deploy.
Attach the following label to the worker nodes you intend to use as Infra nodes. ''
OTP works best when connected to an Secret Store like Hashicorp Vault, if you already have a pre-existing Vault-like instance available, for example IBM Secrets Manager, you can skip this step and move onto installing the External Secrets Operator, however if you'd like to install a local Hashicorp Vault Instances into the Hub Cluster, then follow the below steps.
oc apply -k setup/hashicorp-vault-chart
Install the External Secrets Operator to enable OTP to connect to either a pre-existing Vault-like instance or to the Local Hashicorp Vault instance deployed in the previous step.
oc apply -k setup/external-secrets-operator
Apply the API Key as a secret that will allow OTP to connect to your Vault-like instance via the External Secret Operator.
oc create secret generic ibm-secret --from-literal=apiKey='<APIKEY>' -n kube-system
Configure the ClusterSecretStore
with the API Key secret and URL of your Vault-like instance.
kind: ClusterSecretStore
name: cluster
namespace: external-secrets
name: ibm-secret
namespace: kube-system
key: apiKey
serviceUrl: >-
Apply the updated ClusterSecretStore
oc apply -f setup/external-secrets-instance/cluster-secret-store.yaml
The bootstrap YAML follows the app of apps pattern.
Retrieve the ArgoCD/GitOps URL and admin password and log into the UI
oc get route -n openshift-gitops openshift-gitops-otp-server -o template --template='https://{{}}'
# Password is not required if using the OpenShift as an authorisation provider
oc extract secrets/openshift-gitops-otp-cluster --keys=admin.password -n openshift-gitops --to=-
The resources required to be deployed for this pattern have been pre-selected. However, you can review and modify the resources deployed by editing the following.
Any changes to the kustomization files before the Initial Bootstrap, will need to be committed back to your Git repository, otherwise they will not be picked up by OpenShift GitOps.
Deploy the OpenShift GitOps Bootstrap Application.
oc apply -f 0-bootstrap/hub/bootstrap.yaml
ArgoCD Sync waves are used to managed the order of manifest deployment, this is required as some objects have parent-child relationships and are expected to exist within the RHACM Hub before they can be successfully deployed. We have seen occassions where applying both the Infrastructure, Services and Policies layers at the same time can fail. This typically occurs when there are issues with provisioning of additional nodes to support Storage and Infrastructure components. YMMV.
Once the Infrastructure, Services and Policies layers have been deployed, update the 0-bootstrap/hub/kustomization.yaml
manifest to enable the Clusters and Apps layer and commit to Git. OpenShift GitOps will then automatically deploy any resources listed within those Kustomise files.
- 1-infra/1-infra.yaml
- 2-services/2-services.yaml
- 3-policies/3-policies.yaml
## Uncomment once the above layers have completed.
# - 4-clusters/4-clusters.yaml
# - 5-apps/5-apps.yaml
Installation is successful once all ArgoCD Applications are fully synced without errors.
You will be able to access the RHACM Hub console via the OpenShift console.
This pattern treats Managed (aka Spoke) Clusters as OpenShift GitOps Applications. This allows us to Create, Destroy, Hibernate and Import Managed Clusters into Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management via OpenShift GitOps.
ClusterPools and ClusterClaims
We've now simplied the life-cycling of OpenShift Clusters on AWS, Google Cloud and Azure via the use of Cluster Pools and ClusterClaims.
Cluster Pools allows you pre-set a common cluster configuration and RHACM will take that configuration and apply it to each Cluster it deploys from that Cluster Pool. An example could be that a Production Cluster may consume specific Compute resources, exist in a multi-zone configuration and requires a particular version of OpenShift to be deployed and RHACM will deploy a cluster to meet those requirements.
Once a Cluster Pool has been created, you can submit ClusterClaims to deploy a cluster from that pool.
The ClusterDeployment method can be used to deploy AWS, Azure, GCP, VMWare, On-Premise, Edge and IBM Cloud OpenShift Clusters.
Review the Clusters
layer kustomization.yaml to enable/disable the Clusters that will be deployed via OpenShift GitOps.
## ClusterPools
## Example: - argocd/clusterpools/<env>/<cloud>/<clusterpoolname>/<clusterpoolname.yaml>
- argocd/clusterpools/cicd/aws/aws-cicd-pool/aws-cicd-pool.yaml
## ClusterClaims
## Example : - argocd/clusterclaims/<env>/<cloud>/<clusterclaimname.yaml>
- argocd/clusterclaims/dev/aws/project-simple.yaml
## ClusterDeployments
## Example : - argocd/<env>/<cloud>/<clustername>/<clustername.yaml>
- argocd/clusters/prod/aws/aws-prod/aws-prod.yaml
- argocd/clusters/prod/azure/azure-prod/azure-prod.yaml
We have have provided examples for deploying new clusters into AWS, Azure, IBM Cloud and VMWare. Cluster Deployments require the use of your Cloud Provider API Keys to allow RHACM to connect to your Cloud Provider and deploy via Terraform an OpenShift cluster. We make use of an external keystore, e.g. Vault and leveraged the use of the External Secrets Operator to pull in the Cloud Providers API keys automatically. This simplifies the creation of new clusters, reduces the values needed and works better with Scale. The deployments for the clusters is stored within the Clusters
repository, under clusters/deploy/external-secrets/<cloud provider>
Originally the pattern utilised the SealedSecrets Controller to encrypt your API Keys and provided a handy script for each Cloud Provider within the Clusters
repository, under clusters/deploy/sealed-secrets/<cloud provider>
for your use. This was deemed an ok method for 1-5 cluster deployments, but became very cumbersome when dealing with Scale and was at risk of error and misconfiguration. We will no longer be iterating the code for cluster deployment via SealedSecret and we'll eventually remove this altogether.
The pattern provides full end to end deployment of not only Clusters, but also Policies, Governance and Applications.
For more usage examples, please refer to the Documentation
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
)git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
)git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
)Distributed under the APACHE 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Project Link:
This asset has been built on the shoulders of giants and leverages the great work and efforts undertaken by the teams/individuals below. Without these efforts, then this pattern would have struggled to get off the ground.
The reference architecture for this GitOps workflow can be found here.