There are 3 hosts in one network:
The main Nginx reverse proxy is installed on vm21. It proxies all requests from port 80 to the corresponding hosts and ports.
The HTTPS is terminated on another Nginx instance by IT department, so we don't need to worry about SSL certificates.
graph LR
vm21o["Production server"]
vm20o["Staging server"]
vm23o["Internal server"]
alertmanager{Alert Manager}
vm21o & vm20o & vm23o ----> |"metrics\n(via exporters)"| prometheus
vm21o & vm20o & vm23o ----> |"logs\n(via promtail)"| loki
prometheus --> |alerts| alertmanager
loki --> |alerts| alertmanager
prometheus --> grafana
alertmanager --> grafana
loki --> grafana
user([User]) ------> |web browser| grafana
All servers are monitored:
To set up everything in this repository, you need to clone it to each server.
Then on one Supervisor server you need to configure secrets:
cp supervisor/.env.example supervisor/.env
cp supervisor/alertmanager/_secrets/bot_token.example.txt supervisor/alertmanager/_secrets/bot_token.txt
Also, you may need to edit configs according to your hosts settings.
On Supervisor server run the following command:
cd supervisor
docker compose up -d
On Observable servers run the following command:
cd observable
docker compose up -d
Then check the interfaces of Prometheus, Grafana, and Loki to ensure that everything is working correctly.
We are open to contributions of any kind. You can help us with code, bugs, design, documentation, media, new ideas, etc. If you are interested in contributing, please read our contribution guide.