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What is your electricity file modelData.csv comes from? #1

Closed hihihihiwsf closed 4 years ago

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm reproducing your experiment of electricity part. I got the dataset from ttps:// , with the file type of txt. I'd like to learn about what content is in your file modelData.csv so that I can change the dataset to that frame. Thank you very much!

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

Hi, glad to hear from you. I added an R script to the ec fold. You can easily generate the modelData.csv by running the R script "basicPreprocess.R"

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your the data generator file, and I met another error when I run the and other methods in TCNQuantile. It said that in the line 152 of the file,
Check failed: shape_assign(&(*in_shape)[i], dshape) Incompatible input shape: expected [512,168,0], got [512,336,1] image

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

It seems like the dimensions of reshaped x_num and input_store are not the same other than the appointed dim. But when I chenged the function as output = nd.concat(input_store,x_num.reshape((input_store.shape[0],input_store.shape[1],-1)), dim=2) It got an error in the forward shape inconsistency. Can you help you with this? Thank you very much!

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Besides , what's the difference among, and ?

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

Hi, glad to hear from you again. I update a new file bestPointHuber.ipynb, which taken the input pkl file "feature_prepare.pkl" resulting from file "ec_feature_preprocess.ipynb" (instead for the original new_feature_prepare.pkl)

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply ! My result of and without changing any parameters in them have results of valid ND is 0.42 and 0.49, and valid NRMSE is 2.82 and 2.35 respectively, which are so much different with the result in your paper. Can you help me with this?

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

CPU or GPU server?

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago


oneday88 commented 4 years ago

Training loss and testing loss logs, please. If ND is about 0.42. It means the predictive result is just straight light and do not learn any patterns. I will re-check the codes next Monday.

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Do you mean this? I drawed the predicted first 400 values and the according true values, the result is:

L1Loss(batch_axis=0, w=None)_model_2196287 8

Thank you very much!

hihihihiwsf commented 4 years ago

Hi, have you checked the code yet? I tried a lot of parameters of the model but have no progress.

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I upload a new folder ecPointModel for the point forecasting task. Sorry for the mess and thanks a lot for your feedback, I will take some time to refine the total project. For any questions, please let me know immediately.

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I updated the folder for probabilistic forecasting for ec dataset. You can try it in your GPU server, and for any questions. Please let me know.

oneday88 commented 4 years ago

This issue has been solved.