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Probabilistic Forecasting with Temporal Convolutional Neural Network

This repository accompanies the paper, "Probabilistic Forecasting with Temporal Convolutional Neural Network" by Yitian Chen, Yanfei Kang, Yixiong Chen, and Zizhuo Wang published at KDD 2019 ,Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series

The repository provides Mxnet codes for the proposed model on the three public datasets, traffic, electricity and parts.

It is worth noting that we use the same model trained on the data before the first prediction window rather than retraining the model after updating the forecasts. A rolling-window updating forecasts can acheive higher metrics accuracy.

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Parameters of deepTCN models

Parameters of the trainer

Experiments on the traffic dataset

Data preprocessing

Experiments on the ec dataset

Data preprocessing

Experiments on the parts dataset

Data preprocessing