onedesign / generator-one-base

A foundation for One Design Company projects on the web.
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A foundation for One Design Company projects on the web.




via npm link…

You can clone this repo and use npm link to use the cloned repo as your global version of generator-one-base

git clone
cd generator-one-base
npm link


Generate your new project:

yo one-base

Gulp Sub-Generator

If you want to add or update the gulp setup for an existing project (or a project previously created with generator-one-base) you can use the gulp sub-generator on its own:

cd project/to/run/generator
yo one-base:gulp

Use with existing projects: If you want to run this in a directory with an existing gulp setup, you might want to run it using the --force flag (yo one-base:gulp --force) to force it to overwrite any existing files. Before you do this though, make absolutely sure that you have the existing files committed in git or saved in some other way, or they will be lost forever.