onedesign / onecampaignmonitor

Craft CMS Plugin for Campaign Monitor Integration
MIT License
10 stars 4 forks source link

One Campaign Monitor

Craft CMS Plugin for Campaign Monitor Integration



The easiest way to install One Campaign Monitor is via composer. Add the following to your composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "git",
        "url": ""
"require": {
    "onedesign/onecampaignmonitor": "0.1.3"

Then, from the root of your project, run composer install.

If you keep your project in a git repository, you should also add craft/plugins/onecampaignmonitor to your .gitignore.


If you'd prefer not to install via composer, clone or download the code from this repo, and drop it into craft/plugins/onecampaignmonitor.

You'll also need to install campaignmonitor/createsend-php by dropping its contents into vendor/campaignmonitor/createsend-php.

Subscribing to a list

Add subscriptions to a list using either a POST route, the OneCampaignMonitor service, or variable.

Adding subscriptions requires a List ID and an email, but there are a few other fields you can send:

Note about the list ID: this is not the parameter "listID" in the URL when viewing a list. Annoyingly, Campaign Monitor uses two IDs for lists. To find your List ID, view this FAQ.

POSTing a form

The easiest way to add subscribers is by posting a form with their data. This follows the standard Craft form template, with some required and some optional fields.

<form method="POST" action="">
  <!-- craft form fields -->
  {{ getCsrfInput() }}
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="oneCampaignMonitor/subscribers/add" />
  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="/" />

  <!-- required fields ** REPLACE "myListId" WITH YOUR LIST ID ** -->
  <input type="hidden" name="listId" value="myListId" />
  <label for="email">Email (required)</label>
  <input type="text" id="email" name="email" />

  <!-- optional fields -->
  <input type="hidden" name="resubscribe" value="0" /><!-- don't resubscribe if email has already opted out -->

  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" name="name" />

  <label for="customFields[myCustomField]">My Custom Field</label>
  <input type="text" id="customFields[myCustomField]" name="customFields[myCustomField]" />

  <label for="customFields[myOtherCustomField]">My Other Custom Field</label>
  <input type="text" id="customFields[myOtherCustomField]" name="customFields[myOtherCustomField]" />

  <input type="submit" value="Subscribe!" />


If adding a subscriber fails, the call to either method below will return false, and will log the error (available in /admin/utils/logs).

If successful, the methods will return true and not log.

Variable (in templates)

The simplest implementation for use in templates is:

{% craft.oneCampaignMonitor.subscribe('myListId', '') %}

Add additional parameters as needed:

{% set listId = 'blabla' %}
{% set email = '' %}
{% set name = 'Steve' %}
{% set customFields = {age: 22, city: 'Chicago'} %}
{% set resubscribe = false %}
{% craft.oneCampaignMonitor.subscribe(listId, email, name, customFields, resubscribe) %}

Service (in controllers, etc)

The simplest implementation for adding subscriptions using the OneCampaignMonitor Subscribers Service is:

$list_id = '123';
$email = '';
craft()->oneCampaignMonitor_subscribers->add($list_id, $email);

Or, add some params:

$list_id = '123';
$email = '';
$name = 'Steve';
$customFields = ['city': 'Chicago'];
$resubscribe = false;
craft()->oneCampaignMonitor_subscribers->add($list_id, $email, $name, $customFields, $resubscribe);

Update a subscriber in a list:

$list_id = '123';
$email = '';
$name = 'Steve';
$customFields = ['city': 'New York'];
$resubscribe = true;
craft()->oneCampaignMonitor_subscribers->update($list_id, $email, $name, $customFields, $resubscribe);

Determine if a subscriber exists in a list:

$list_id = '123';
$email = '';
if (craft()->oneCampaignMonitor_subscribers->exists($list_id, $email)) {
  // subscriber exists

Checking if the user has subscribed to a list

You can check in a template if the current user (by session) has already subscribed to a list:

{% if craft.oneCampaignMonitor_log.hasSubscribed(listId) %}

Or elsewhere:

if (craft()->oneCampaignMonitor_log->hasSubscribed($listId)) { ... }

Important This log is only saved per session. It does NOT check with Campaign Monitor.

Recaptcha Validation

There is an option to validate a Google Recaptcha parameter by adding a Google Recaptcha Secret Key to the plugin settings. When the Add Subscribers action is called, it will look for a param g-recaptcha-result which will be validated against that Recaptcha Secret key. If it fails, the subscriber will not be added.

A note on blocking calls

It looks like the library this depends on, createsend-php, executes these CURL requests using sockets when available. (See vendor/campaignmonitor/createsend-php/class/transport.php.) If that's the case, then all CURL requests are performed asyncronously. Consider this a TODO to investigate and update responses.