oneirism / reverie

Tabletop RPG campaign tracking
5 stars 1 forks source link

Build Status Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities


Docker Development Environment

Launch the local Docker compose network:

docker-compose up

Create a superuser account from the Django container:

docker exec -it $(docker ps -f "name=reverie_reverie" -q) /bin/sh
[/code] pipenv run python createsuperuser --settings reverie.settings.docker

Try logging in at http://reverie.docker.localhost:8000/account/login

Production Configuration

Create a production settings file named reverie/settings/ and configure:

  1. EMAIL_BACKEND - Documentation
  2. TWO_FACTOR_SMS_GATEWAY - Documentation


zappa deploy prod
zappa manage prod migrate
zappa certify prod
zappa invoke --raw prod "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser('username', 'email@domain.tld', 'password')" ;