onepill / django-simplemde

Use markdown editor in django project
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A markdown editor(with preview) for Django

Use markdown editor in django project, this project is inspired by

Getting started

    # ...
    # ...

Using in models

from django.db import models
from simplemde.fields import SimpleMDEField

class Entry(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=250, verbose_name=u'Title')
    content = SimpleMDEField(verbose_name=u'mardown content')

SimpleMDE options

You could set SimpleMDE options in like this:

    'placeholder': 'haha',
    'status': False,
    'autosave': {
        'enabled': True

Right now this plugin supports SimpleMDE Configurations, but only the static ones(don't support js configurations like previewRender)

for autosave option, you dont need to set it, this plugin will generate uniqueId with python's uuid.uuid4 automatically

Get SimpleMDE instance from DOM

After SimpleMDE initialized, you could get SimpleMDE instance from dom element like this:
