onerzafer / microfe

micro fe app registry server
MIT License
73 stars 2 forks source link


(microfe - short for micro frontends)


$ npm install
mkdir micro-fe-registry

Then do the following for each app you would like to have in your micro-app tree

cp path/toyour/app/dist/folder micro-fe-registry/yourAppNameCamelCase
touch micro-fe-registry/yourAppNameCamelCase/micor-fe-manifest.json

For each micro-fe-registry.json file please refer the templates provided under Microfe Manifest

Helpful commands

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# incremental rebuild (webpack)
$ npm run webpack
$ npm run start:hmr

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Developing a Micro-app

microfe address some possible problems with some set of built-in solutions. Isolated app scope is solved by wrapping the apps into web components.

Runtime Relative Global Variables

All micro-apps under micro-fe-registry will be wrapped into some templates just to be ready for consumption. Templates are designed to provide a unified interface for each app and also scoping. According to a micro-app, defined variables within this scope are global variables.

interface MicroAppArgs {
    AppsManager: AppsManager;
    Config: ConfigInterface;
    conatiner: HTMLElement;
    [key: string]: any
const microAppArgs: MicroAppArgs;
const CONTAINER: HTMLElement;
const DOCUMENT: Document;
const WINDOW: Window;

All the declared dependencies will be provided under microAppArgs with given name as the key of the instance of the app.

Microfe Manifest

Microfe-registry assumes a couple of different scenarios for each possible app and it is subject to changes in the future. Supported and tested projects can be listed as below:

  "name": "AppName",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "web component",
  "bundle": [
    {"type":  "template", "path":  "template.html"},
    {"type":  "html", "path":  "index.html"},
    {"type":  "js", "path":  "js/script.js"},
    {"type":  "css", "path":  "css/styles.css"}
  "globalBundle": [
      {"type":  "js", "path":  "js/global.script.js"},
      {"type":  "css", "path":  "css/global.styles.css"}
  "dependencies": {
    "OtherApp": "1.0.0",
    "SomeOtherApp": "1.0.0"

The example above contains all possible values for a manifest file, but under normal conditions, you won't need all of them at the same time.

Platform Specific Tips

Static SPA

Just copy files as is under micro-fe-registry folder and add necessary micro-fe-manifest.json and the app is ready to run. Just notice if your spa is based on jquery, unfortunately, it will not work as micro-app because of non-supported shadow dom usage.


If you are using create-react-app please refer its documentation for building the app for production. As a limitation a micro-app has written in react please follow the instruction for static assets

// following implementation will have broken image as micro-app
import * as Logo from '.logo.svg';
const App = () => <Logo />;

Instead of the example above prefer the following one:

// after moving static asset to public folder or a cdn following example will work as expected
const MicroApp = () => <img src='path/to/logo.svg' />;

Then build your application and copy the dist folder as YourAppName under micro-fe-registry folder under the src folder. After adding micro-fe-manifest.json the micro-app will work as expected.


The tricky one is Angular apps. An angular app should have Angular 6+ version to be built as a web component. Since the mounting mechanism of angular is a little bit different than most of the popular frameworks it needs to be built as a web component. The recommended tag name for your angular web component is your-app-name-container. When microfe-registry wrapping angular app it exposes another web component with the tag your-app-name. By that way, conflicting web component definition will be prevented. How to bundle an angular app as a web component can be found under angular elements documentation. The rest is built the app for production, copy files under micro-fe-registry folder and create the micro-fe-manifest.json file.
