onestudio-co / flutter_ninepatch_image

MIT License
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Resizable bitmaps (ninepatch images) for Flutter

9-Patch #ninepatch

what is A 9 patch image ? is a regular png (.PNG) image which is needful for developers where they require to wrap any content within a background image without pixelating the background image. Usually background images have a fixed height and width, but sometimes we may require background images which does not pixelate though stretched, this now becomes a challenge with regular PNG images.
example for this images

image 1 for example
![image 2 for example]](

Result :

how to use

1- This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml

  ninepatch_image: ^0.0.4
NinePatchImage( imageProvider: AssetImage("assets/orange.9.png"),
 child: Text( "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing "))

TODO Progress


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