onexip / JarBundler

JarBundler is a feature-rich Ant task which will create a Mac OS X application bundle from a list of Jar files and a main class name. You can add an Icon resource, set various Mac OS X native look-and-feel bells and whistles, and maintain your application bundles as part of your normal build and release cycle. Project moved from
Apache License 2.0
74 stars 17 forks source link

Getting the following after creating a .app although I have java 1.8x installed #10

Closed dhowe closed 7 years ago

dhowe commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-11-27 at 5 19 04 am

<project name="Pataclysm" default="export" basedir=".">
    <target name="export">

        <jar destfile="tmp/app.jar" basedir="bin"/>

        <jarbundler dir="/Users/dhowe/Desktop/" name="Pataclysm" jvmversion="1.8" mainclass="core.Pataclysm">
            <jarfileset dir="lib">
                <include name="**/*.jar" />
            <jarfileset dir="tmp">
                <include name="**/*.jar" />

screen shot 2016-11-27 at 5 20 58 am

tofi86 commented 7 years ago

That has nothing to do with the JarBundler project.

You have the JRE browser plugin installed which does not register as Java VM on the system so apps can use it. If you want a JVM for App usage, you have to install the JDK.

OR you can use an alternative JavaApplicationStub like mine: It will also try to use the JRE browser plugin when possible...