onexip / JarBundler

JarBundler is a feature-rich Ant task which will create a Mac OS X application bundle from a list of Jar files and a main class name. You can add an Icon resource, set various Mac OS X native look-and-feel bells and whistles, and maintain your application bundles as part of your normal build and release cycle. Project moved from
Apache License 2.0
74 stars 17 forks source link


JarBundler is a feature-rich Ant task which will create a macOS application bundle from a list of Jar files and a main class name.

You can add an icon resource, set various macOS native look-and-feel bells and whistles, and maintain your application bundles as part of your normal build and release cycle.

Project moved from



Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:



Check the Releases page to get the latest distribution.


Take a look at ./docs/index.html (Currently outdated. Sorry.)


Run mvn clean install to build the project and push the JAR artifacts to your local maven repo. You can then use the SNAPSHOT version in your project.

To skip the GPG signing process (for maven central release) add -Dgpg.skip to your commandline.


Version 3.4.0 (Work In Progress)

Version 3.3.0 (2015-11-09)

Version 3.2.0 (2015-08-05)

Previous history

Take a look at ./docs/index.html


Licensed under Apache License v2.0.