onflow / sc-eng-gaming

Showcasing how a Rock Paper Scissors game could be made #onFlow
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blockchain game-development onflow

Rock Paper Scissors Onchain | (🪨 📃 ✂️) - ⛓️

This repo originated as an proof of concept onchain Rock Paper Scissors game as an exploration in blockchain gaming powered by Cadence on Flow. Through that process, the UX hurdles faced by all onchain games - wallet onboarding, in-game transaction signing, etc. - revealed there was no way to create a meaningfully onchain game that was also user-friendly and permissionlessly composable. Consequently, this repo served as a sandbox to prototype Hybrid Custody and make account linking a reality.

The contents in this repo are the onchain components powering the Walletless Arcade.

In addition to onchain gaming, you'll find a number of novel Cadence implemenations including:

Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Gameplay Overview](#gameplay-overview) - [Components](#components) - [Summary](#summary) - [Gaming](#gaming) - [Linked Accounts](#linked-accounts) - [Supporting](#supporting) - [Composition](#composition) - [User Walkthrough](#user-walkthrough) - [Onboarding](#onboarding) - [Wallet-less Onboarding](#wallet-less-onboarding) - [Blockchain-Native Onboarding](#blockchain-native-onboarding) - [Gameplay](#gameplay) - [Edge Case Resolution](#edge-case-resolution) - [Demo on Emulator](#demo-on-emulator) - [Pre-Requisites](#pre-requisites) - [Walletless Demo Walkthrough](#walletless-demo-walkthrough) - [Blockchain-Native Onboarding Demo](#blockchain-native-onboarding-demo)


As gaming makes its way into Web 3.0, bringing with it the next swath of mainstream users, we created this repo as a playground to develop proof of concept implementations that showcase the power of onchain games built with the Cadence resource-oriented programming language. Through this exploration, we discovered the importance of improving onboarding and reducing in-app UX friction, and so iterated our way to an initial hybrid custody model. It's our hope that the work and exploration here uncovers unique design patterns that are useful towards composable game designs and, more broadly, novel custody models, helping to pave the way for a thriving community of developers building the best apps in the world on Flow.

For our first proof of concept game, we've created the RockPaperScissorsGame and supporting contract GamingMetadataViews.

As a learning ground for upcoming Cadence Attachments, we wanted to demonstrate how NFT metadata could update with gameplay in an entirely separate contract than the NFT was defined. So we created DynamicNFT which contains interfaces for attachments & receivers for those attachments.

The attachment receiver portion of that model is implemented in GamePieceNFT (modeled heavily after MonsterMaker) and the attachments are implemented in RockPaperScissorsGame.

Taken together with any NFT implementing DynamicNFT, these contracts define an entirely onchain game with a dynamic NFT that accesses an ongoing record of its win/loss data.

:information_source: While Hybrid Custody contracts & transactions are included in this repo, they're not critical to the core gameplay logic. It's recommended that readers focus on understanding the game-related contracts and components and layer on the process of account linking in the context of the application user flow.

Gameplay Overview

Players engage in single or two-player single round matches of RPS. After configuring their GamePlayer resource, users can start a match by escrowing a GamePieceNFT. The match is playable once both players have escrowed their NFTs (or after the first player to escrow if in single player mode). The escrowed NFT gets an attachment enabling retrieval of its win/loss record and another that maintains the playable moves for the game - rock, paper, and scissors, as expected.

:information_source: NFTs are escrowed into matches to ensure the NFT provided is a) actually owned by the player and b) players can't bypass updates to their NFT's win/loss record.

Once playable, the match proceeds in stages - commit and resolve (to be replaced by a commit-reveal pattern to obfuscate onchain moves). Players must first commit their moves. After both players have submitted moves, the match can be resolved. On resolution, a winner is determined and the associated NFT's win/loss record is amended with the match results.

Of course, once the match is over (or if a timeout is reached without resolution) the escrowed NFTs can then be returned to their respective escrowing players.

Things get much more interesting when the onchain game is coupled with account linking - seen in this demo - allowing for embedded wallets to abstract transaction execution in-app while unlocking those in-app assets to be accessible by a user's primary wallet. To facilitate a fuller game experience in said app, TicketToken was introduced as a player reward for winning matches, just like you'd win in an real arcade!

Marketplace Overview

The accompanying TicketToken and ArcadePrize contracts aren't special in and of themselves - simple FT and NFT contracts. However, once a user links their wallet with the app account used to play the game - the account issued TicketToken when the player wins a match - the authenticated account is issued access to the app account. This link between accounts exists onchain and establishes what we'll call a "parent-child" hierarchy between user accounts where the user's wallet mediated account is the "parent" to the partitioned "child" account.

:information_source: This setup introduces account models similar to Web2's app authorization into our decentralized Web3 context. Linked child accounts can be thought of as sub-accounts to the parent, allowing both the user and the custodial party (game app in this case) to maintain access on the app-managed account.

After linking, the user can authenticate in other unrelated apps with their wallet, and any app recognizing Hybrid Custody accounts can identify all associated child accounts, their contents, and facilitate transactions interacting with child-account custodied assets with a transaction signed by the parent account alone.

To demonstrate this, ArcadePrize accepts TicketToken redemption for minting NFTs. Redeeming FTs for NFTs isn't new, but the ability to sign a transaction with one account and, using delegated account access, acquire funds from another to mint an NFT to the signing account is new, and it solves an enormous problem in the Web3 app experience.




Hybrid Custody

Contracts enabling account linking are not critical to the gameplay, but layer nicely to create a smooth in-app experience. While understanding the Hybrid Custody contracts is useful, it's recommended you focus on understanding the game-related contracts and components before layering on these mental constructs if you're solely intersted in understanding the mechanics of the onchain gaming.

:information_source: For more info on the parts making up HybridCustody, check out these docs


Taking a look at RockPaperScissorsGame, you'll see that it stands on its own - a user with any DynamicNFT can engage with the game to play single and multiplayer matches. The same goes for TicketToken and GamePieceNFT contracts in that they are independent components not necessarily designed to be used together.

Each set of contracts were created as composable building blocks and used together to create a unique app experience.

HybridCustody was layered on to solve both the app UX problem created by the current dichotomous app- v. self-custody paradigms and to give users access to in-app assets outside the context of the custodial app.


Optimizing for openness and interoperability is not without its tradeoffs.

The game contract's use of any NFT maximizes composability, but it means that NFTs with the same ID cause collisions in the win/loss record mapping indexed on escrowed NFT IDs. This shouldn't be an issue for NFTs that assign ids on UUIDs, but users could experience a case where they effectively share a win/loss record with another NFT of the same ID. This could be handled by indexing on the hash of an NFT's ID along with its Type which should yield a unique value or alternatively, the NFTs UUID. The latter would be a harder ask as it's unlikely a requestor would have the NFT's UUID on hand if it's not already the equivalent to its ID. In the end, the contract indexes on UUID.

A bit of a note on best practices...it's evident that defining onchain game logic must involve adversarial thinking. For example, we could have (and did at one point) return NFTs from escrow on match resolution to remove the need for an additional function call. However, we discovered that a malicious player could technically prevent Match resolution (a custom Receiver could panic on deposit()). This along with the revelation that a malicious player could also assure game outcomes with the afforementioned post-condition on match results led us to the commit-resolve pattern you see in the contracts & transactions.

User Walkthrough

With the context and components explained, we can more closely examine how they interact in an end-to-end user experience. For simplicity, we'll assume everything goes as it's designed and walk the happy path.


With linked accounts, there are two ways a user can onboard.

Wallet-less Onboarding

After a user authenticates via some traditional Web2 authentication mechanism, the app initiates walletless onboarding

  1. A new public/private key pair is generated

  2. Providing the generated public key, initial funding amount, and MonsterComponent NFT attributes, the walletless onboarding transaction starts by creating a new account from the signer's AccountCreator resource.

    :warning: Note that any old account creation mechanism can be used in your walletless onboarding flow, but this resource allowed us to query created addresses from custodied keys.

  3. A GamePieceNFT Collection is configured in the new account

  4. The signer mints a GamePieceNFT to the new account's Collection

  5. A GamePlayer resource is configured in the new account so it can play RockPaperScissorsGame.Matches

  6. A TicketToken.Vault is saved & linked in the new account

Blockchain-native Onboarding

After a user's wallet has been connected, run the blockchain-native multisig onboarding transaction signed by both a developer account & the user. Note that this would require a backend account pre-configured with an AccountCreator & funded with FLOW to pay for new account creation, though account creation can be handled by many other mechanisms.

This onboarding transaction does the following.

  1. Given a generated public key (private key managed by the game dev), funding amount, a minter address, and hybrid custody filter & factory addresses
  2. Creates a new account & optionally funds it with $FLOW
  3. Configures the account with a GamePieceNFT Collection
  4. Configures the new account with a GamePlayer resource
  5. Sets up a TicketToken Vault in the new account
  6. Sets up GamePieceNFT.Collection in the user's connected account
  7. Sets up a TicketToken.Vault in the user's connected account
  8. Preps the new account to link to the signing user's account, setting up an HybridCustody.OwnedAccount resource in the new account
  9. Configures a HybridCustody.Manager in the user's account
  10. Mints a GamePieceNFT to the new account's Collection
  11. Links the new account as a child of the user's account, saving a Capability on the child account in the user's HybridCustody.Manager

:information_source: The output of this transaction is a new account, custodied by the key provider, fully configured for gameplay, and linked to the signing user's account as a child account. Both the user and the application have access on the new account - the user via HybridCustody and the app via key custody.


Edge Case Resolution

NFTs are escrowed, but the moves are never submitted

Since a match timeout is specified upon Match creation and retrieval of NFTs is contingent on either the timeout being reached or the Match no longer being in play, a player can easily retrieve their NFT after timeout by calling returnPlayerNFTs() on their MatchPlayerActions Capability.

Since this Capability is linked on the game contract account which (in an actual stakes environment) shouldn't have active keys, the user can be assured that the Capability will not be unlinked. Additionally, since the method deposits the NFT to the Receiver provided upon escrow, they can be assured that it will not be accessible to anyone else calling returnPlayerNFTs().

NFTs are escrowed, but player unlinks their Receiver Capability before the NFT could be returned

In this edge case, the Receiver Capability provided upon escrowing would no longer be linked to the depositing player’s Collection. In this case, as long as the escrowing player still has their GamePlayer, they could call retrieveUnclaimedNFT(), providing a reference to their GamePlayerID and the Receiver they want their NFT returned to.

Player provides a Receiver Capability that panics in its deposit() method

This wouldn't be encountered by the Match until returnPlayerNFTs() is called after match resolution. Depending on the order of the Receiver Capabilities in the nftReceivers mapping, this could prevent the other player from retrieving their NFT via that function. At that point, however, the winner & loser have been decided and the game is over (inPlay == false). The other player could then call retrieveUnclaimedNFT() to retrieve the NFT that the trolling Receiver was preventing from being returned.

Player changes their mind after NFT escrow & before move submission

In the event a player changes their mind after creating a match, they'd currently have to wait the length of timeout to call returnPlayerNFTs(). Changing this behavior is scoped as a future improvement to enable abandoning a match before initiating gameplay, likely only to be updated in singleplayer mode matches.

Demo on Emulator

To demo the functionality of this repo, clone it and follow the steps below by entering each command using Flow CLI from the package root:


Walletless Demo Walkthrough


  1. Generate public/private key pair

    flow keys generate
  2. Initialize walletless onboarding

    • onboarding/walletless_onboarding
      1. pubKey: String,
      2. fundingAmt: UFix64,
      3. monsterBackground: Int,
      4. monsterHead: Int,
      5. monsterTorso: Int,
      6. monsterLeg: Int
    flow transactions send transactions/onboarding/walletless_onboarding.cdc <PUBLIC_KEY> <FUNDING_AMT> <BACKGROUND> <HEAD> <TORSO> <LEG> --signer emulator-game
  3. Query for new account address from public key

    • child_account/get_child_address_from_public_key_on_creator: Address
      1. creatorAddress: Address
      2. pubKey: String
    flow scripts execute scripts/account_creator/get_address_from_pub_key.cdc 045a1763c93006ca <PUBLIC_KEY>
  4. Add the child account to your flow.json (assuming following along on flow-cli)

    "accounts": {
        "emulator-account": {
            "address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
            "key": "<EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY>"
        "child": {
            "address": "01cf0e2f2f715450",
            "key": "<CHILD_PRIVATE_KEY>"


  1. Query for NFT.id

    • game_piece_nft/get_collection_ids: [UInt64]
      • address: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/game_piece_nft/get_collection_ids.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS>
  2. Query for GamePlayer.id

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/get_game_player_id: UInt64
      • playerAddress: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/rock_paper_scissors_game/get_game_player_id.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS>
  3. Setup a new singleplayer Match

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/setup_new_singleplayer_match
      1. submittingNFTID: UInt64
      2. matchTimeLimitInMinutes: UInt
    flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/setup_new_singleplayer_match.cdc <NFT_ID> <TIME_LIMIT> --signer child
  4. Query Match.id

    1. Listen for NewMatchCreated event filtered on creatorID == GamePlayer.id
    2. rock_paper_scissors_game/get_matches_in_play: [UInt64]
      • address: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/rock_paper_scissors_game/get_matches_in_play.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS>
  5. Submit moves for the Match

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/submit_both_singleplayer_moves
      1. matchID: UInt64
      2. move: UInt8
    flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/submit_both_singleplayer_moves.cdc <MATCH_ID> <MOVE> --signer child
  6. Resolve Match & return escrowed NFTs

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/resolve_match_and_return_nfts
      • matchID: UInt64
    flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/resolve_match_and_return_nfts.cdc <MATCH_ID> --signer child
  7. Query move history for both players one of a number of ways:

    1. Listen for MatchOver event filtered on matchID == Match.id and map user’s GamePlayer.id to player1ID or player2ID in the event values, displaying the player1MoveRawValue and player2MoveRawValue as appropriate

    2. rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history: {UInt64: RockPaperScissorsGame.SubmittedMove}?

      • matchID: UInt64
      flow scripts execute scripts/rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history.cdc <MATCH_ID>
    3. rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history_as_raw_values: {UInt64: UInt8}?

      • matchID: UInt64
      flow scripts execute scripts/rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history_as_raw_values.cdc <MATCH_ID>
  8. Query player’s NFT win/loss record

    • game_piece_nft/get_rps_win_loss: GamingMetadataViews.BasicWinLoss?

      1. address: Address
      2. id: UInt64
      flow scripts execute scripts/game_piece_nft/get_rps_win_loss.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS> <NFT_ID>

Connect Wallet & Link Accounts

There are two ways to go about this process. One involves a multi-signature transaction where both the existing app account (soon to be “child” account) and the user’s main account (soon to be “parent” account) sign a transaction in which all changes are made. Another approach is to have the app account sign a transaction publishing its AuthAccount capability to then be claimed by the user’s account in a subsequent transaction.

For both the following transaction, you'll want to create an account if following along in flow-cli

flow accounts create # account name: parent | network: emulator

:information_source: Depending on your use case and custodial architecture, you may find it easier to configure publish & claim; however, both linking modalities are included for illustration.

Publish & Claim This process leverages the [account `Inbox`](https://developers.flow.com/cadence/language/accounts#account-inbox) and involves two steps: 1. [Publish](./transactions/hybrid_custody/setup_owned_account_and_publish_to_parent.cdc) 1. [Claim](./transactions/hybrid_custody/redeem_account.cdc) The app-custodied account sends the first transaction, configuring itself with `HybridCustody` constructs and publishing a `ChildAccoun` Capability for the specified parent account. The user subsequently sends another transaction, claiming the published Capability and storing it in a `HybridCustody.Manager` (configuring one if needed). * Configure the app-custodied account as a child account & publish a capability on the account for the given parent account to claim 1. `parent: Address` 1. `factoryAddress: Address` 1. `filterAddress: Address` ```sh flow transactions send transactions/hybrid_custody/setup_owned_account_and_publish_to_parent.cdc 0x045a1763c93006ca 0x045a1763c93006ca --signer child ``` * Claim the published `ChildAccount` Capability & store in the signing parent account's `Manager` - `childAddress: Address` ```sh flow transactions send transactions/hybrid_custody/redeem_account.cdc --signer parent ```
Multi-Sign This process condenses the publish & claim path into a single transaction signed by both the parent and child accounts. In this transaction, a `HybridCustody.Manager` is configured in the user’s main account, capturing the app account’s `ChildAccount` capability in said `Manager`. The signing parent account is also configured with `GamePieceNFT.Collection` and `TicketToken.Vault` so each asset can be easily transferred between accounts. * Both accounts sign the transaction, linking both accounts as parent-child and accomplishing Hybrid Custody. 1. `childAccountFactoryAddress: Address` 1. `childAccountFilterAddress: Address` ```sh flow transactions build transactions/hybrid_custody/add_account_multi_sign.cdc \ 0x045a1763c93006ca 0x045a1763c93006ca \ --proposer parent --payer parent --authorizer parent --authorizer child \ --filter payload --save add_account_multi_sign.rlp ``` ```sh flow transactions sign add_as_child_multisig --signer parent --signer child --filter payload --save add_account_multi_sign.rlp ``` ```sh flow transactions send-signed add_account_multi_sign.rlp ```

At the end of either process, the two accounts are linked by resource representation onchain and both are configured such that the app has all it needs to play the game on behalf of the player. The user’s main account (AKA parent account) maintains a Capability on the app account (AKA child account) via HybridCustody components, allowing the player to access in-app assets while the app maintains signing authority on behalf of the user when playing in-game.

Blockchain-Native Onboarding Demo


  1. Generate public/private key pair

    flow keys generate
  2. Initialize blockchain-native onboarding, signing as both the authenticated user and the application's backend account.

    • onboarding/blockchain_native_onboarding

      1. pubKey: String
      2. fundingAmt: UFix64
      3. factoryAddress: Address
      4. filterAddress: Address
      5. minterAddress: Address
    flow transactions execute transactions/onboarding/blockchain_native_onboarding.cdc \
        <PUBLIC_KEY> 0.5 0x045a1763c93006ca 0x045a1763c93006ca 0x045a1763c93006ca \
        --proposer emulator-game --payer emulator-game --authorizer parent --authorizer emulator-game \
        --filter payload --save blockchain_native_onboarding.rlp
    flow transactions sign blockchain_native_onboarding.rlp --signer parent --signer emulator-game --filter payload --save blockchain_native_onboarding.rlp
    flow transactions send-signed blockchain_native_onboarding.rlp
  3. Query for new account address from public key

    • account_creator/get_address_from_pub_key.cdc
      1. creatorAddress: Address
      2. pubKey: String
    flow scripts execute scripts/account_creator/get_address_from_pub_key.cdc 045a1763c93006ca <PUBLIC_KEY>

Minting TicketToken

Based on Match results (queried above in game_piece_nft/get_rps_win_loss) and checked against the user's GamePlayer.id (queried in rock_paper_scissors_game/get_game_player_id), we’ll want to mint tokens to the child account’s TicketToken.Vault. These tokens can be redeemed for an ArcadePrize.NFT later in the demo.

  1. Mint tokens to the player’s app account

    • ticket_token/mint_tokens

      1. recipient: Address
      2. amount: UFix64
      flow transactions send transactions/ticket_token/mint_tokens.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>
  2. Query the balance of tokens in the account

    • ticket_token/get_balance: UFix64 - panics if Vault is not configured
      • of: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/ticket_token/get_balance.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS>

Minting ArcadePrize.NFT

In this section, we’ll use the TicketToken.Vault in the child account to pay for an NFT to the signing account’s Collection. This serves as an example for how a app can present and utilize the assets in a connected account’s child account(s), creating a seamless experience compared to the fragmented UX previously inherent to isolated app accounts.

  1. Query for the TicketToken.Vault.balance in each of the user’s child accounts

    1. ticket_token/get_all_account_balances_from_storage: {Address: UFix64}

      • parentAddress: Address
      flow scripts execute scripts/ticket_token/get_balance_of_all_child_accounts.cdc <PARENT_ADDRESS>
    2. hybrid_custody/get_all_vault_bal_from_storage: {Address: {Type: UFix64}}

      • address: Address
      flow scripts execute scripts/hybrid_custody/get_all_vault_bal_from_storage.cdc <PARENT_ADDRESS>
      // Where VaultInfo has the following interface
      pub struct VaultInfo {
          pub let name: String?
          pub let symbol: String?
          pub var balance: UFix64
          pub let description: String?
          pub let externalURL: String?
          pub let logos: MetadataViews.Medias?
          pub let storagePathIdentifier: String
          pub let receiverPathIdentifier: String?
          pub let providerPathIdentifier: String?
          pub fun addBalance(_ addition: UFix64)
  2. Query for all publicly accessible NFTs in the connected account & its child accounts

    • hybrid_custody/get_all_nft_display_views_from_storage: [NFTData]
      • address: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/hybrid_custody/get_all_nft_display_views_from_storage.cdc <PARENT_ADDRESS>
    // Where NFTData has the following interface
    pub struct NFTData {
        pub let name: String
        pub let description: String
        pub let thumbnail: String
        pub let resourceID: UInt64
        pub let ownerAddress: Address?
        pub let collectionName: String
        pub let collectionDescription: String
        pub let collectionURL: String
        pub let collectionStoragePathIdentifier: String?
        pub let collectionPublicPathIdentifier: String
  3. Mint a rainbow duck for 10.0 TicketTokens, redeeming the TicketTokens in the user’s child account & minting to the signer’s Collection

    • arcade_prize/mint_rainbow_duck_paying_with_child_vault
      1. fundingChildAddress: Address
      2. minterAddress: Address
    flow transactions send transactions/arcade_prize/mint_rainbow_duck_paying_with_child_vault.cdc <CHILD_ADDRESS> 045a1763c93006ca --signer parent
  4. Again query for all publicly accessible NFTs in the connected account & its child accounts to see the NFT that was minted among all of the user’s owned NFTs

    • hybrid_custody/get_all_nft_display_views_from_storage: [NFTData]
      • address: Address
    flow scripts execute scripts/hybrid_custody/get_all_nft_display_views_from_storage.cdc <PARENT_ADDRESS>

Play Self-Custodied on Testnet

The contracts in this repos have been deployed to

If you want to play this game on testnet in a fully fledged Hybrid Custody app, check out our demo implementation here.

As for good old fashioned self-custody, while you won't be able to perform TicketToken minting, you can play RockPaperScissors Matches using your own wallet and NFTs. You could however use your own NFTs to engage with the contracts via Flow CLI, FlowRunner or Raft. Here's how:

  1. Onboard your account with GamePieceNFT Collection, NFT, & GamePlayer resource

    • onboarding/self_custody_onboarding.cdc
      • minterAddress: Address
        flow transactions send transactions/onboarding/self_custody_onboarding.cdc 917b2b1dafdcfa58 --signer <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME> --network testnet
        1. Check out your new resources on FlowView & note your GamePlayer.id & NFT.id
  2. After you have a Collection, NFT, & GamePlayer configured, you're ready to play the game!

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/setup_new_singleplayer_match.cdc
      1. submittingNFTID: UInt64
      2. matchTimeLimitInMinutes: UInt
        flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/setup_new_singleplayer_match.cdc <NFT_ID> <MATCH_TIMEOUT> --signer <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME> --network testnet
  3. Submit your move & the randomized second player's move

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/submit_both_singleplayer_moves.cdc
      1. matchID: UInt64
      2. move: UInt8 - 0: rock, 1: paper, 2: scissors
        flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/submit_both_singleplayer_moves.cdc <MATCH_ID> <MOVE> --signer <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME> --network testnet
  4. Resolve the Match & return your NFT. Note that resolution needs to occur at least one block from when the last move was submitted.

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/resolve_match_and_return_nfts.cdc
      • matchID: UInt64
        flow transactions send transactions/rock_paper_scissors_game/game_player/resolve_match_and_return_nfts.cdc <MATCH_ID> --signer <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME> --network testnet
  5. Query the moves played for the Match

    • rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history: {UInt64: RockPaperScissorsGame.SubmittedMove}?
      • matchID: UInt64
        flow scripts execute scripts/rock_paper_scissors_game/get_match_move_history.cdc <MATCH_ID> --network testnet
  6. You can additionally query your NFT's win/loss record

    • game_piece_nft/get_rps_win_loss: GamingMetadataViews.BasicWinLoss?
      1. address: Address
      2. id: UInt64
        flow scripts execute scripts/game_piece_nft/get_rps_win_loss.cdc <YOUR_ADDRESS> <NFT_ID> --network testnet