onomondo / onomondo-softsim-cli

SoftSIM cli tool to aid in provisioning of SoftSIM in manufacturing
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Small tools to help out with provisioning before and during production of your SoftSIM enabled device.

Provisioning is split in two distinct steps:

  1. Pre-production: Fetch n profiles from the Onomondo API to avoid excessive load on API and to remove any dependencies on stable internet. The profiles are encrypted using your public key.
  2. During production: Continuously get a new unique profile correctly formatted to specifications.

These steps correspond one-to-one with the available commands in the CLI tool.

Command: Fetch

This command fetches the specified number of profiles from the Onomondo API. Use the SoftSIM API generated in our platform to get access.

Command: Next

This command finds the next unused profile on your local system. The profile is decrypted using the private key pointed to by the --key argument. After decryption and encoding the file is prepended with __ to invalidate the profile.

Generate public / private key-pair

To generate a SoftSIM API key you will also need a key pair. Use 4096 bit keys.

To generate a key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -b 4096 -f <path_to_new_key>

The Onomondo SoftSIM CLI tool is not supporting keys, that are protected by password.

The public key is expected to be PEM encoded:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

This can be obtained with:

ssh-keygen -e -m PKCS8 -f <path_to_public_key>.pub

Use the to public key to create an API key on https://app.onomondo.com/api-keys/softsim/new

For testing https://cryptotools.net/rsagen can be helpful to quickly get started.


Pre-built binaries can be found under releases. Optionally build from source. See relevant section below.


Usage: softsim [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

          Fetch profiles from API
          Find next available profile. Decrypt and decode the profile and mark it as used
          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -v, --verbosity...
          Verbosity level
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

Log level

Set log level to TRACE

softsim -vvv ---help


Pulls profiles from api.onomondo.com and writes to disk. Specify count to fetch many for production usage. softsim breaks the count into batches of max. 1000.

Usage: softsim fetch [OPTIONS] --api-key <API_KEY>

  -a, --api-key <API_KEY>

  -n, --count <NUM_OF_PROFILES>
          [default: 1]
  -o, --out <OUTPUT>
          [default: profiles]
  -u, --url <url>
          [default: https://api.onomondo.com/sims/profiles]
  -h, --help
          Print help


Get 5678 profiles and store under ./profile/:

softsim fetch -a <your_api_key> -n 5678

Specify output path:

softsim fetch -a <your_api_key> -n 1000 -o "batch1"


Find the next available profile and outputs decrypted and decoded values. Specify format to change encoding.

HEX - suitable for SoftSIM integrations made by Onomondo.

JSON - outputs RAW profile and relevant meta information.

Usage: softsim next [OPTIONS] --key <KEY>

  -k, --key <KEY>
          Path to private key
  -i, --in <SET_OF_PROFILES>
          Path to encrypted profiles [default: ./profiles]
          Output format [default: hex] [possible values: hex, json]
  -h, --help
          Print help

SoftSIM profile illustration

The SoftSIM profile will be represented in the following format when fetched from Onomondo. The SoftSIM is encrypted in this format.


Following a successful decryption and formatting of the encrypted SoftSIM profile, the CLI tool will excport the profile in the following format. It is this and only this format that is accepted by SoftSIM enabled devices.



Write hex encoded profiles to stdout. Optionally, this can be piped directly to a device, if the device is ready to receive a profile in this specific format.

--key should point to the private key generated in the previous steps.

softsim next --key <path_to_private_key>

Specify format to json

softsim next --key resources/test/key --format=json

softsim next can be called from manufacturing scripts as needed.


cargo build --release

After building the SoftSIM executable is located in: target/release/softsim


cargo test


In the scenario of simulating profiles:

hyperfine --runs 1000 --warmup=1 --shell=none './target/release/softsim next --key resources/test/key'
Benchmark 1: ./target/release/softsim next --key resources/test/key
  Time (mean ± σ):       3.0 ms ±   0.8 ms    [User: 1.5 ms, System: 1.5 ms]
  Range (min … max):     2.4 ms …  24.4 ms    1000 runs

This should perform well on the standard production line but can lead to issues when you encounter a threshold of a million profiles.

Installing commitlint + commit hook

npm install --save-dev @commitlint/{cli,config-conventional}
npx husky install