onsails / diaglist.nvim

Live render workspace diagnostics in quickfix with current buf errors on top, buffer diagnostics in loclist
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loclist lsp lua neovim nvim quickfix workspace-diagnostics

Live-updating Neovim LSP diagnostics in quickfix and loclist




lua require("diaglist").init({
    -- optional settings
    -- below are defaults
    debug = false, 

    -- increase for noisy servers
    debounce_ms = 150,

Init sets diag update on LspDiagnosticsChanged, WinEnter, BufEnter for live diagnostics update and QuickFixCmdPre to avoid conflicts with other commands using quickfix.


There are no default mappings. Here is an example:

nmap <space>dw <cmd>lua require('diaglist').open_all_diagnostics()<cr>
nmap <space>d0 <cmd>lua require('diaglist').open_buffer_diagnostics()<cr>