ontehfritz / SuperSimpleWorker

A port of delayed_Job (DJ) for Mono and Microsoft .NET
MIT License
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SuperSimpleWorker (delayed_job.net) v0.1.9

Simple light weight background job runner

Mono 3.2.1

Build Status

This is ported and inspired from the original project: https://github.com/tobi/delayed_job

Currently being developed using mono and OSX. The goal of the project is to have it work equally across platforms.

SuperSimpleWorker (SSW) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. This is useful for off loading tasks from ASP.NET/MVC or Nancy (http://nancyfx.org) projects. It can also be used with any .Net technologies.

It is ready to be used with Mono or Microsoft .Net framework; As well as cross platform Windows, OSX, and Linux.

Like the ruby version of delayed_job some examples of use are:

If you would like more in-depth information on use and FAQ please see the wiki: https://github.com/fritzcoder/SuperSimpleWorker/wiki

There are three major components to SSW:

  1. The SuperSimpleWorker.dll assembly which gives your program access to creating jobs for scheduling

  2. Repository[databasename].dll assemblies, this gives SSW and worker.exe access to an array of databases.

  3. worker.exe, this runs the jobs scheduled by your program. It can be run in the background.

Some important notes:


  1. Copy the SuperSimpleWorker.dll in your project bin folder.

  2. Using MonoDevelop or Visual Studio reference the SuperSimpleWorker.dll

  3. Copy a Repository[databasename].dll assembly in your bin folder and reference it with visual studio or MonoDevelop.

  4. Create the SSW table in one of the supported databases. The sql table script can be found in the sql folder.

  5. Start creating jobs use The IJob interface and create your class:

public class EmailJob : IJob
    //Make sure information you want to persist in the database is public
    //There is no way to serialise and deserialize private data.
    public string fromAddress = "email@gmail.com";
    public string toAddress = "toemail@gmail.com";
    public const string fromPassword = "";
    public const string subject = "SSW test";
    public const string body = "A automated test";

    public void perform(){
        var smtp = new SmtpClient
            Host = "smtp.gmail.com",
            Port = 587,
            EnableSsl = true,
            DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
            UseDefaultCredentials = false,
            Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress, fromPassword)
        using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
            Subject = subject,
            Body = body

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = 
                delegate(object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) 
            { return true; };
  1. Now schedule the job:
//Set the Repository with the database you would like to use with a
//connection string. 
Job.Repository = new RepositoryMonoSQLite("URI=file:ssw.db");
//Enqueue the Job now. When the worker process runs it will execute the 
//perform method. In this case it will send an email.
Job.Enqueue(new EmailJob());
  1. The worker process needs to be configured. The worker.exe has a file called worker.exe.config. Configure the database you want to use and the connection string. It Should be the same database you are enqueueing your jobs in. You can now run worker process by:
mono worker.exe [optional name] or mono worker.exe [optional name] &

or on windows simply:

worker.exe [optional name]

Also on windows you can install it as a service:

InstallUtil.exe worker.exe 

Please see the wiki for more detailed information.

The library evolves around a delayed_jobs table

  In the sql directory there is {db server type}.sql script. Run the script in the database you wish to use. 
  Currently supporting: 
    sqlite3 - Linux and OSX only (no windows support)
    Microsoft SQL Server (Tested on version 2012)

The create table script looks as follows:

    id integer not null primary key,  
    assembly varchar(8000), 
    type varchar(255), 
    priority integer default 0,
    attempts integer default 0, 
    handler varchar(255),
    last_error varchar(255),
    run_at datetime default null,
    locked_at datetime default null,
    failed_at datetime default null,
    locked_by varchar(255), 
    created_at timestamp default current_timestamp, 
    modified_at timestamp default current_timestamp

On failure, the job is scheduled again in 5 seconds + N ** 4, where N is the number of retries.

By default, it will delete failed jobs

Please report questions, feature requests and bugs to: https://github.com/fritzcoder/SuperSimpleWorker/issues