First follow the instructions to install sigmakee at Check the version number of the CoreNLP zip that you download and unzip and modify paths accordingly
cd ~ echo "export SIGMA_SRC=~/workspace/sigmakee" >> .bashrc echo "export CORPORA=~/workspace/sigmanlp/corpora" >> .bashrc source .bashrc cd ~/workspace/ git clone cd ~/Programs wget '' unzip rm cd ~/Programs/stanford-corenlp-full-4.3.1/ unzip stanford-corenlp-4.3.1-models.jar cp ~/Programs/stanford-corenlp-4.3.1/stanford-corenlp-4.3.1.jar ~/workspace/sigmanlp/lib cp ~/Programs/stanford-corenlp-4.3.1/stanford-corenlp-4.3.1-models.jar ~/workspace/sigmanlp/lib cd ~/workspace/sigmanlp ant
Then follow the steps in "Account Management" below before proceeding
In your .bashrc you'll need to have a greater heap space allocation than for sigmakee alone
export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xms1000M -Xmx7g"
export ONTOLOGYPORTAL_GIT="/home/user/workspace"
Add the following line to your $SIGMA_HOME/KBs/config.xml file, but replace '~' with the full path
If you want to run sigmanlp's web interface then
ant dist
Start Tomcat with $CATALINA_HOME/bin/
If you want to make a link to the NLP tools available from Sigma's various jsp pages then include the following in your config.xml
To run on the command line, try (changing to your paths)
java -Xmx7g -classpath /home/user/workspace/sigmanlp/build/classes: /home/user/workspace/sigmanlp/build/lib/* com.articulate.nlp.semRewrite.Interpreter -i
Add the following to your $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml