oodavid / iso-3166-2

A publicly available dataset containing the countries and administrative divisions as defined in ISO 3166-2. After much research into how to best structure the geospacial data for happiest I made the decision to use ISO 3166-2 as the foundation. This repo contains JSON data representing ISO 3166-2 with the countries and divisions reverse geocoded; designed primarily for import into MongoDB it will be useful to anyone with a need for geospacial data.
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============== ISO 3166-2

The aim of this project is to create a structured data set to be used as a
foundation for the grouping of geolocational data.

Currently the set is based on ISO 3166-2 with a few notable additions that
give us some extra structure:

    1 "planet" division (Earth)
    7 "continent" divisions
        - plus -
    4888 nodes from the ISO standard (from country down to parishes)

== FORMAT ==

The data object is indexed on the CODE value and contains
    code        ISO 3166-2 code (UNIQUE)
    name        Name of the division
    division    Type of division (planet, continent, country etc)
    parent      The code of the parent division (OPTIONAL)
    lat & lng   The latitude and longitude of the division (OPTIONAL)

Eventually the data set will only have a single node that is missing a
parent and lat/lng pair (the top-division, Earth), for now the data set is
incomplete but updates to this data-set should easily be integrated to any
system that uses it with trivial parsing.


var iso_3166_2 = {
    // Planet Earth
    "EARTH": {"code": "EARTH", "name": "Earth", "division": "planet"},
    // The 7 continents
    "ASI": {"code": "ASI", "name": "Asia",          "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "AFR": {"code": "AFR", "name": "Africa",        "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "ANT": {"code": "ANT", "name": "Antarctica",    "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "AUS": {"code": "AUS", "name": "Australia",     "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "EUR": {"code": "EUR", "name": "Europe",        "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "NAM": {"code": "NAM", "name": "North America", "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    "SAM": {"code": "SAM", "name": "South America", "division": "continent", "parent": "EARTH"},
    // The Countries and Divisions
    "AD":    {"code": "AD",    "name": "Andorra",             "division": "country",                "lat": 42.5075314, "lng": 1.521815599999968},
    "AD-07": {"code": "AD-07", "name": "Andorra la Vella",    "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5075314, "lng": 1.521815599999968},
    "AD-02": {"code": "AD-02", "name": "Canillo",             "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5660922, "lng": 1.5967008999999734},
    "AD-03": {"code": "AD-03", "name": "Encamp",              "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5363306, "lng": 1.5831104999999752},
    "AD-08": {"code": "AD-08", "name": "Escaldes-Engordany",  "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5088914, "lng": 1.542137499999967},
    "AD-04": {"code": "AD-04", "name": "La Massana",          "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5449448, "lng": 1.5153695000000198},
    "AD-05": {"code": "AD-05", "name": "Ordino",              "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.5554593, "lng": 1.533297800000014},
    "AD-06": {"code": "AD-06", "name": "Sant Julià de Lòria", "division": "parish", "parent": "AD", "lat": 42.4648686, "lng": 1.4911495999999715}


Countries are not yet linked to the continents

About 800 of the divisions are missing a lat/lng pair

In order to tackle this project I'm looking to do one of 2 things:
    Start a project to crowd-source these fixes
    Sit down and do it myself


The continents have been given 3-letter codes to ensure that there are no
collisions with the ISO 3166-2 standard

The earth uses a 5-letter code (EARTH) for the same reason

The continents are defined as:
    ASI Asia
    AFR Africa
    NAM North America
    SAM South America
    ANT Antarctica
    EUR Europe
    AUS Australia



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