ooyala / metrics_storm

Easy metrics collection for Storm topologies using Coda Hale Metrics
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The metrics_storm project adds easy performance metrics collection infrastructure, as well as an embedded web console, to any Storm (http://github.com/nathanmarz/storm) topology, based on Coda Hale's excellent metrics library (http://metrics.codahale.com). At a minimum, the following is supported:

In addition, if you enable MetricsStormHooks, then you get automatic emit and ack rate meters for every bolt and spout in your topology. To enable, place the following in your storm.yaml:

    - "ooyala.common.metrics_storm.MetricsStormHooks"

You can also programmatically inject the above configuration, like this:

config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS, List(classOf[MetricsStormHooks].getName).asJava)

Refer to https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm/wiki/Hooks for more information.

Web Console Configuration

Set the following parameter in storm.yaml, listing one port per supervisor.slot.ports, like this:

    - 7000
    - 7001

If this parameter is not set, the web console port defaults to 7070.


You can build this project using SBT 0.11.2 or higher. To run the unit tests:

sbt test

To create a jar in target/scala-*/:

sbt package

To publish to ~/.ivy2/local/, including POM files:

sbt publish-local


Contributions via pull request are very welcome.


Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.md

Copyright(c) 2013, Ooyala, Inc.