op-energy-foundation / op-energy-blockspan-service

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This repo contains blockspan service and frontend of the Op-Energy.


We use nix package manager for deployment. Our primary target is NixOS, but you can use nix to build OpEnergy on any OS supporting Nix and then setup OS-specific system services yourself.

How to install on NixOS

As NixOS is our primary target, you just need to:

  1. clone op-energy blockspan service repo:
sudo -i
mkdir -p /etc/nixos/overlays
git clone https://github.com/op-energy-foundation/op-energy-blockspan-service --recursive /etc/nixos/overlays/op-energy-blockspan-service
  1. generate random secrets with
sudo -i
mkdir -p /etc/nixos/private
cd /etc/nixos/overlays/op-energy-blockspan-service/op-energy-backend/
nix-shell shell.nix
./gen-psk.sh /etc/nixos/private mainnet
  1. add config to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
args@{ pkgs
, lib
, config
, OP_ENERGY_REPO_LOCATION ? /etc/nixos/.git/modules/overlays/op-energy/modules/oe-blockspan-service
, OP_ENERGY_ACCOUNT_REPO_LOCATION ? /etc/nixos/.git/modules/overlays/op-energy
  # import psk from out-of-git file
, bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-psk ? builtins.readFile ( "/etc/nixos/private/bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-psk.txt")
, bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-pskhmac ? builtins.readFile ( "/etc/nixos/private/bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-pskhmac.txt")
, op-energy-db-psk-mainnet ? builtins.readFile ( "/etc/nixos/private/op-energy-db-psk-mainnet.txt")
, op-energy-db-salt-mainnet ? builtins.readFile ( "/etc/nixos/private/op-energy-db-salt-mainnet.txt")
, ...

    then env.GIT_COMMIT_HASH
        sourceWithGit = pkgs.copyPathToStore REPO_LOCATION;
      builtins.readFile ( # if git commit is empty, then try to get it from git
      pkgs.runCommand "get-rev1" {
        nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.git ];
      } ''
        HASH=$(cat ${sourceWithGit}/HEAD | cut -c 1-8 | tr -d '\n' || printf 'NOT A GIT REPO')
        printf $HASH > $out
  opEnergyFrontendModule = import ./overlays/op-energy-blockspan-service/frontend/module-frontend.nix { GIT_COMMIT_HASH = GIT_COMMIT_HASH OP_ENERGY_REPO_LOCATION; };
  opEnergyBackendModule = import ./overlays/op-energy-blockspan-service/op-energy-backend/module-backend.nix { GIT_COMMIT_HASH = GIT_COMMIT_HASH OP_ENERGY_REPO_LOCATION; };
  imports = [
    # custom module for op-energy
  # bitcoind mainnet instance
  services.bitcoind.mainnet = {
    enable = true;
    dataDir = "/var/lib/bitcoind-mainnet";
    extraConfig = ''
      txindex = 1
    rpc.users = {
      op-energy = {
        name = "op-energy";
        passwordHMAC = "${bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-pskhmac}";

  # op-energy part
  services.op-energy-backend = {
    mainnet =
        db = "openergy";
      in {
      db_user = "openergy";
      db_name = db;
      db_psk = op-energy-db-psk-mainnet;
      config = ''
          "DB_PORT": 5432,
          "DB_HOST": "",
          "DB_USER": "${db}",
          "DB_NAME": "${db}",
          "DB_PASSWORD": "${op-energy-db-psk-mainnet}",
          "SECRET_SALT": "${op-energy-db-salt-mainnet}",
          "API_HTTP_PORT": 8999,
          "BTC_URL": "",
          "BTC_USER": "op-energy",
          "BTC_PASSWORD": "${bitcoind-mainnet-rpc-psk}",
          "BTC_POLL_RATE_SECS": 10,
          "PROMETHEUS_PORT": 7999,

  # enable op-energy-frontend service
  services.op-energy-frontend = {
    enable = true;

  # Open ports in the firewall.
  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
  1. rebuild config:
nixos-rebuild switch

this command will build and enable all the services

How to build

installing nix for non-NixOS

Navigate to https://nixos.org/download/#nix-install-linux and follow steps to setup Nix on your target OS.

when you have Nix installed (non NixOS)

We provide 3 services at the moment:

  1. blockspan-service;
  2. frontend;

building blockspan + frontend service

clone repo with

git clone https://github.com/op-energy-foundation/op-energy-blockspan-service

then build with nix-build:

cd op-energy-blockspan-service/frontend
nix-build default.nix -A op-energy-frontend

cd ../op-energy-backend
nix-build default.nix

both folders will have symlink called result, which contain compiled binaries

How to install on non-NixOs

You will need to:

  1. install Postgres SQL DBMS yourself, setup ;
  2. install bitcoind / acquire login/pass to connect to one;
  3. install nginx, setup it to site work dir to $blockspan-repo-dir/frontend/result/;
  4. create systemd unit files for blockspan service with binaries from $blockspan-repo-dir/op-energy-backend/result/bin. For expected arguments, check for systemd units templates:
    • $op-energy-repo/oe-account-service/op-energy-account-service/module-backend.nix

How to use


The easist and expected way to use op-energy is by using frontend, which will starts from a main menu with list of different components


You can use op-energy's API. API's specifications can be accessed either:

  1. by navigating to $frontend_url/docs;
  2. by pressing 'document' button at the frontend's menu;
  3. by using $backend_url/api/swagger.json URL in swagger online editor.

Architecture Diagrams

Use case diagram:

Use case diagram shows use cases of the system


title Use case diagram

Person(user, "Op-Energy user", "user that is using op-energy")
Boundary(b1, "blockspan-service", "boundary") {
  System(usecase0, "view blockspan information", "")
  System(usecase1, "views strike summary (Past)", "")
  System(usecase2, "views strike summary (Future)", "")
  System(usecase3, "views strike detail (Past)", "")
  System(usecase4, "views strike detail (Future)", "")
  System(usecase5, "views energy summary (Past)", "")
  System(usecase6, "views energy summary (Future)", "")
  System(usecase7, "views energy detail (Past)", "")
  System(usecase8, "views energy detail (Future)", "")
  System(usecase9, "views Blockrate and hashrate charts", "")

Rel(user, usecase0, "")
Rel(user, usecase1, "")
Rel(user, usecase2, "")
Rel(user, usecase3, "")
Rel(user, usecase4, "")
Rel(user, usecase5, "")
Rel(user, usecase6, "")
Rel(user, usecase7, "")
Rel(user, usecase8, "")
Rel(user, usecase9, "")

Highlevel overview of Op-Energy

This diagram shows high level overview of Op-Energy system

NOTE: email notification service is present, but not implemented yet


title Highlevel overview of Op-Energy

Person(user, "Op-Energy user", "user that is using op-energy")
Boundary(b1, "op-energy frontend", "boundary") {
  System(OpEnergyFrontend, "Op-Energy frontend", "")
Boundary(b2, "op-energy backend", "boundary") {
  System(OpEnergyBackend, "Op-Energy backend", "")
Boundary(b3, "bitcoin", "boundary") {
  System(Bitcoin, "Bitcoin node", "")
Boundary(b4, "notificatons", "boundary") {
  System(EMail, "email/telegram service", "")
Rel( user, OpEnergyFrontend, "")
Rel( OpEnergyFrontend, OpEnergyBackend, "")
Rel( OpEnergyBackend, Bitcoin, "")
Rel( OpEnergyBackend, EMail, "")

Backend view of component diagram

This part describes backend-centric components diagram


title Backend Context diagram for Op-Energy

Person(userA, "Op-Energy user", "user that is using op-energy to view information about blocks")

Boundary(b1, "op-energy", "boundary") {

    Boundary(frontendBoundary, "op-energy frontend", "boundary") {
      System(OeFrontend, "op-energy frontend")
    Boundary(backendBoundary, "op-energy backend") {
        Boundary(b4, "oe-blockspan-service", "boundary") {
            System(OeBlockspanApi, "oe-blockspan-api", "An op-energy API to operate with blockspans service")
            System(OeBlockspanService, "oe-blockspan-service", "An op-energy system that operates with blockspans")
            SystemDb(OeBlockspanServiceDB, "openergy")

        Boundary(b7, "Bitcoin", "boundary") {
            System_Ext(btcNode, "BTC node", "bitcoin mainnet node")
            SystemDb(mainnet, "mainnet", "blockchain")


Rel(btcNode,mainnet, "")
Rel(userA, OeFrontend, "Uses")

Rel(userA, OeFrontend, "views graphs")
Rel( OeFrontend, OeBlockspanService, "gets data for graphs")

Rel(userA, OeFrontend, "views blockspan reports graphs")
Rel( OeFrontend, OeBlockspanService, "gets data for blockspan reports")

Rel( OeBlockspanService, OeBlockspanServiceDB, "Postgres")

Rel_D(OeFrontend, OeBlockspanService, "reads block chain info", "Blockspan API, websockets")
Rel_U(OeBlockspanService,btcNode, "reads block chain info", "JSON-RPC")

Frontend view of component diagram


title Frontend view of component diagram for Op-Energy

Person(userA, "Op-Energy user", "user that is using op-energy")

Boundary(b1, "op-energy", "boundary") {

    Boundary(frontendBoundary, "op-energy frontend", "boundary") {
      System(OeFrontendDocs, "frontend docs ui component")
      System(OeFrontendBlockrateGraph, "frontend blockrate graph component")
      System(OeFrontendBlockspans, "frontend blockspans component")
      System(OeFrontendEnergyDetail, "frontend energy-detail component")
      System(OeFrontendEnergySummary, "frontend energy-summary component")
      System(OeFrontendStrikeDetail, "frontend strike-detail component")
      System(OeFrontendStrikeSummary, "frontend strike-summary component")

      System(OeFrontendState, "frontend state service")
      System(OeFrontendWebsocket, "frontend websockets service")
    Boundary(backendBoundary, "op-energy backend") {
      System(OeBackend, "op-energy-backend", "An op-energy system that operates with blockspans, accounts, strikes and so on")


Rel(userA, OeFrontendDocs, "views swagger specs", "Blockspan API")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendBlockrateGraph, "views graphs")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendBlockspans, "views Blockspan reports", "")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendEnergyDetail, "views energy details", "")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendEnergySummary, "views energy summary", "")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendStrikeDetail, "views strike details", "")
Rel(userA, OeFrontendStrikeSummary, "views strike summary", "")

Rel( OeFrontendDocs, OeBackend, "gets swagger specs", "HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendBlockrateGraph, OeBackend, "gets data for graphs", "Blockspan HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendBlockspans, OeBackend, "gets data for blockspan reports", "Blockspan HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendEnergyDetail, OeBackend, "gets data for energy details", "Blockspan HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendEnergySummary, OeBackend, "views energy summary", "Blockspan HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendStrikeDetail, OeBackend, "gets data for strike details", "Blockspan HTTP API")
Rel( OeFrontendStrikeSummary, OeBackend, "views strike summary", "Blockspan HTTP API")

Rel( OeFrontendWebsocket, OeBackend, "receives latest confirmed blocks events", "Websocket")
Rel( OeFrontendWebsocket, OeFrontendState, "stores latest confirmed blocks events", "Websocket")