Z99 is a multifunctional 4 axis machine.
Some possibilities of the Z99 are:
- Drawing on screen and large format plot output, up to A3+.
- Plot a PCB with etch resist ink.
- Plot a circuit with conductive ink.
- Plot a large format poster.
- Cut vinyl letters.
- Cut paper.
- Drill holes.
- Mill a PCB.
- Engrave, cut and make a solder pad masks with a laser.
Click on the green 'Code' button.
Download InstallZ99.zip.
Extract and execute InstallZ99.exe
After installation, the subdirectories are:
- \3Dparts: Contains all .scad source code and .stl files.
- \CSharpCode: The C# source code for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2022.
- If your Windows system has difficulties to run XYZ.exe, download Visual Studio Community and open the solution \CSharpCode\XYZ.sln.
- \DemoFiles: HPGL, Gerber, Drill, Gerber, and G-code files.
- \MikrocontrollerCode: PIC microcontroller code and Z99.hex file.
- \PCB_LayoutAndSchematicDesign: Contains the schematic and PCB layout.
- \WindowsSoftware: the windows software XYZ.exe
All documentation for construction and use is in the book :
"Build Your Own Multifunctional 4-Axis CNC Machine"
Edited and printed by https://www.elektor.com