opain / eQTL_to_TWAS

Methods for converting eQTL summary statistics into TWAS SNP-weights
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This repo contains code for deriving TWAS models from eQTL summary statistics. The same code can be used for other molecular features as well (e.g. methylation, protein, chromatin). The models are in FUSION format.

Please refer to and cite our paper comparing approaches for integration of eQTL summary statistics with GWAS summary statistics.


This script uses eQTL summary statistics to create TWAS models in a format consistent with FUSION.

The essential software and data requirements vary according to the methods selected to create models. The methods currently implemented are:

Essential software and data:

Method specific software and data:

Example of running the script for a single gene:
Rscript eQTL_to_TWAS/compute_weights.R \
    --id ENSG00000206503 \
    --extract /Data/ldsc/w_hm3.snplist \
    --sumstats /Data/eQTLGen/eQTLGen_sumstats.txt \
    --gcta /Software/gcta_1.94 \
    --gctb /Software/gctb_203 \
    --gctb_ref /Data/gctb_ref/ukbEURu_hm3_shrunk_sparse/ukbEURu_hm3_v3_50k_chr \
    --plink_ref_chr /Data/1KG/Phase3/1KGPhase3.w_hm3.chr \
    --plink_ref_keep /Data/1KG/Phase3/keep_files/EUR_samples.keep \
    --ld_blocks /Data/LDetect/EUR \
    --rscript Rscript \
    --dbslmm /Software/DBSLMM/software \
    --plink /Software/plink1.9 \
    --PRScs_path /Software/PRScs \
    --PRScs_ref_path /Software/PRScs/ldblk_1kg_eur \
    --ldpred2_ref_dir /Data/ldpred2_ref \
    --output /Data/eQTL_to_TWAS/Test

This will create a file called 'ENSG00000206503.RDat' in the folder '/Data/eQTL_to_TWAS/Test'. This can be parallelised across genes, or run linearly for all genes in the --sumstats file by removing the --id parameter.