opc-cpvp / OPC.PowerApps.PCFControls

MIT License
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OPC PowerApps PCF Controls

Build Status

Total alerts Language grade: JavaScript

Collection of PowerApps PCF Controls.




You can download the latest version of the managed / un-managed solution from the project's releases.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Follow the instructions as per the documentation in order to configure your environment for PCF development. You will need to disable the telemetry option for the Power Apps CLI by running the following command:

pac telemetry disable

Building a Component

Navigate to the root folder of the component you wish to build and run the following commands:

npm run build

Note: You must run npm install before building the component for the first time.

Running a Component

Navigate to the root folder of the component you wish to run and run the following commands:

npm run start

Note: You must run npm install before running the component for the first time.

Testing an existing Component

After building your component, use fiddler's autoresponder to replace the content of the web resource with the content you have just built. It should be located in the "out" folder under the component's folder. The file should be called bundle.js.

Building the Plugin

Open the solution OPC.PowerApps.PCFControls.sln from Visual Studio 2019 and build the projects.

Building the Solution

Run the following command from the Solution folder in order to build the solution:

msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /restore

Tag Picker Component

dependencies Status devDependencies Status


TagPickerComponent Preview


The purpose of this control is to allow user to associate / disassociate records for a many-to-many relationship in the form of tags. This also works when creating an entity for the first time.


Parameter Description Required Bound to an attribute
Tag Data Stores the temporary values required for the creation of the related entities X X
Related Entity Logical name of the related entity X
Relationship Name Relationship name between the primary entity and the related entity X
Relationship Entity Logical name of the relationship entity X
View ID View ID used to add filtering/rules when seacrhing for tags

Tag Picker Grid Component

dependencies Status devDependencies Status


TagPickerGridComponent Preview

The purpose of this control is to allow user to associate / disassociate records for a many-to-many relationship in the form of tags.


Parameter Description Required Bound to an attribute
Related Entity Logical name of the related entity X
Relationship Name Relationship name between the primary entity and the related entity X
Relationship Entity Logical name of the relationship entity X
Label Text Field label that will be displayed on the form. It currently accepts the following formats: Label or en=Label\|fr=Étiquette X
View ID View ID used to add filtering/rules when seacrhing for tags

Tree Component

dependencies Status devDependencies Status


TreeComponent Preview

The purpose of this control is to allow user to associate / disassociate hierarchical records for a many-to-many relationship in the form of a tree.


Parameter Description Required Bound to an attribute
Tree Entity Collection Name Plural name of the related entity X
Tree Entity Attribute The parent record attribute for the tree entity X
Name Attribute The attribute that will be used to display text of the node in the tree X
Id Attribute The attribute for the ID of the tree record X
Relationship Name Relationship name between the primary entity and the related entity X
Relationship Entity Logical name of the relationship entity X
Description Attribute The description attribute of the tree record, currently only used to aid searching
Extra Title Details Attribute The attribute of the tree entity that will add extra details to the display text of the node in the tree
Is Checkable Attribute The checkable attribute of the tree entity, determines whether a node can be checked in the tree
Max Name Display Length (Work in Progress) The max amount of characters the text of the node will be displayed in the tree

Task Manager Component

dependencies Status devDependencies Status


TaskManagerComponent Preview

The purpose of this control is provide a better user experience to manage tasks associated to a given entity.


Parameter Description Required Bound to an attribute
View View used for the list of tasks. The following mandatory fields must be included in the view; statecode, statuscode, subject, description.
Badge Configuration Configuration of colored badges in JSON in following format: [ { "name": "*optionset_field1*", "keys": [ 5, 6 ] }, { "name": "*optionset_field2*", "keys": [1,2,3,4] } ]. Code will lookup the optionset metadata for colors and translations
Panel Title Title that will appear above the tasks list in following format: en=Label\|fr=Étiquette X


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details