opea-project / GenAIComps

GenAI components at micro-service level; GenAI service composer to create mega-service
Apache License 2.0
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Add first-pass at stability tritonserver-based imagegen comp #227

Open acwrenn opened 2 weeks ago

acwrenn commented 2 weeks ago


This PR adds a new component for image generation using Stability. The API is currently a WIP - lots of feedback appreciated!



Type of change


Tritonserver Stable Diffusion = "Habana/stable-diffusion-2"



acwrenn commented 2 weeks ago

Hey maintainers - this is clearly not in a high-quality state yet. But I want to get architecture/code location/generic feedback on the approach before I spend the time to polish it. Any notes would be greatly appreciated!

This Stable Diffusion model powers a card in the Intel AI Explorer - so upstreaming it to OPEA seemed like a reasonable next step.


mkbhanda commented 1 week ago

Please create distinct microservices for the pipeline components, for instance triton server should be in its own microservice. Data cleaning, embedding, model server, model etc. The genAIexample contains a pipeline composed of microservices in the GenAImicrocomps and we need e2e tests for everything.

acwrenn commented 1 week ago

Please create distinct microservices for the pipeline components, for instance triton server should be in its own microservice. Data cleaning, embedding, model server, model etc. The genAIexample contains a pipeline composed of microservices in the GenAImicrocomps and we need e2e tests for everything.

This is an interesting question - because the tritonserver portion acts as a replacement for the TGI services in the LLM examples - which are not distinct comps contained in this repo.

So - there seems to be a clear distinction between a service that performs inference, and a service that glues other parts together. I dont think that requiring the buisness-logic service onto an accelerator-having-host is a good idea.

So - I guess my question is one looking for clarity. There should be a comp that is JUST the model server, and then keep the ImageGen API container as a different comp?