We claim OPENAI compatible but OPEA still returns some objects as null that should be populated.
OPEA TEI: "usage":null, "model":null,
Bare TEI: "model":"BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5","usage":{"prompt_tokens":12,"total_tokens":12}
This issue of milling objects applies to other microservices too. Might be good to systematically correct for all.
We claim OPENAI compatible but OPEA still returns some objects as null that should be populated. OPEA TEI: "usage":null, "model":null, Bare TEI: "model":"BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5","usage":{"prompt_tokens":12,"total_tokens":12}
This issue of milling objects applies to other microservices too. Might be good to systematically correct for all.