open-austin / construction-permits

:construction: City of Austin Construction Permits
The Unlicense
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City of Austin Construction Permits

A searchable database of construction permits issued by the City of Austin since 1980.

Data is scraped from on a daily basis.

:information_source: The City of Austin has started publishing permits to their open data portal at


Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up a secrets file (permits/

GITHUB_AUTH=<github auth key>
MAPZEN_API_KEY=<mapzen API key>

Get today's construction permits and store them in the data directory:

python permits/

Run the tests:


Deploy to AWS Lambda:



Twice a day an AWS lambda job runs permits.lambda_handler.

It fetches yesterday's permits, geocodes the addresses, and then uses the GitHub API to commit the data to this repo. This code is Python 2 because is run on AWS Lambda. Another side effect of being a lambda is we're trying to avoid dependencies with C extensions like pandas.


The code for this repository has been released into the public domain by Open Austin via the Unlicense.

Created by @spatialaustin and @luqmaan.