open-austin / liberate-the-data

:sun_with_face: Datasets the we would like to see published in a machine readable format
The Unlicense
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Liberate the Data

Collecting datasets the community would like to see published in a machine readable format.

:sun_with_face: Datasets we would like to see liberated :sun_with_face:

:star2: Request a dataset :star2:

Template for New Dataset Ideas

(Copy and paste the below into a new issue.)

**Concise description**:

**Government agency/ies to contact**

**Link (more details/brain dump/alpha)**

**Who will use/benefit from this data?**

**Specific Ideas for use of the data**

How To Propose or Discuss Liberating Datasets

GitHub Issues work just like any other commenting system on the Internet. First, you'll need to create an account. Then you have two options: (1) comment on an existing idea (a.k.a. "issue"), or (2) create a new idea.

If you see an idea that you're interested in, click on it, read the discussion, and then add your thoughts to the bottom of the discussion thread. If you don't see the idea you have in mind, add a new one. You'll need a title and description and we encourage you to use the Template above. Then, someone from the Open Austin Core Team will respond, likely with some questions or feedback.

Goals for this project

We are still thinking about how this turns into action. Here are some ideas:

  1. Show the City and other government agencies specific community interest in datasets or questions of licensing and use.
  2. Begin to think of programmatic ways to request this data as individuals and as Open Austin.
  3. Long term, pie-in-the-sky dream is a regional open data portal maintained "by the people, for the people." This would be a place were you could dump Public Information Request data. It would be a more user friendly version of