open-component-model / vscode-ocm-tools

This repository house the OCM VSCode Extension
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

OCM tools for Visual Studio Code

REUSE status VSCode Marketplace Link Install Counter

Install the extension from source

To preview the extension without running the debugger you can install the extension from a vsix file.

The process is as follows:

Generate Typescript types for OCM

Typescript types can be automatically generated using the OCM schema.

To generate the types run the following command:

npm run gen:types:ocm

The script used to generate the types can be found here: src/ocm/generateTypes.ts.

This script will fetch the v2 and v3 schema documents for the specified version from the open-component-model/ocm repository. It will then generate types based on the schema objects.


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