open-ephys-plugins / neuropixels-pxi

Open Ephys GUI plugin for interfacing with PXIe-based Neuropixels hardware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No basestation detected after firmware upgrade #26

Closed vncntprvst closed 1 year ago

vncntprvst commented 1 year ago

I updated the basestation firmware to Release_v20221012-phase30. When starting the Open-Ephys GUI (v0.6.3), the HS tests pass successfully, but then I get an error message saying that no basestation were detected. I did not have this error previous to the upgrade. I then downgraded the firmware to previous releases (from the documentation , or SpikeGLX Release 20190724-phase3B1). The issue persists. Again, the HS tests work fine, both in Open-Ephys GUI and SpikeGLX, so I'm wondering what the issue is. Any idea? Thanks

jsiegle commented 1 year ago

Hi Vincent – this is expected behavior. If there are no probes connected to a basestation, then it is ignored, leading to the "no basestations detected" message. This is done in case there are multiple basestations in a chassis, but only one has connected probes.

If you connect an actual probe (not an HS tester unit) to the basestation, does it show up in the Neuropixels plugin?

vncntprvst commented 1 year ago

Hi Josh, That error message is a bit confusing, since there is a basestation, but your explanation makes sense :) Note that when installing the recommended firmware from SpikeGLX's website (Neuropixels 1.0 in my case), then that error message does not occur. I guess the GUI's behavior changed over time? I will test again Release_v20221012 with a probe connected and let you know if that works. Thanks

vncntprvst commented 1 year ago

It does work.

vncntprvst commented 1 year ago

My only suggestion would be to update the error message with a recommendation to connect a probe (not just a HS tester unit). Thanks for the help!