open-ephys-plugins / neuropixels-pxi

Open Ephys GUI plugin for interfacing with PXIe-based Neuropixels hardware
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 19 forks source link

Neuropixels PXI Plugin

Hardware diagram

This plugin makes it possible to stream Neuropixels data from a PXI-based acquisition system into the Open Ephys GUI.


This plugin is not included by default, but must be added via the GUI's Plugin Installer. To access the Plugin Installer, press ctrl-P from inside the GUI. Once the installer is loaded, browse to the "Neuropix-PXI" plugin, and click "Install."

If you're upgrading from a previous version, you will need to close and re-open the GUI before you can use the plugin in a signal chain.


Instructions for using the Neuropixels PXI plugin are available here.

Hardware requirements

Compatible probes

Compatible PXI basestation firmware

Plugin version: 0.4.x

API version: 3.42

Plugin version: 0.5.x

API version: 3.57

Plugin version: 0.6.x

API version: 3.62


This source code is made available under a GPL 3.0 License.


This plugin was created by Josh Siegle, Pavel Kulik, and Anjal Doshi at the Allen Institute.

We thank Bill Karsh (Janelia) and Jan Putzeys (imec) for helpful advice throughout the development process.

© 2023 Allen Institute and Open Ephys