open-forest-observatory / geograypher

Multiview Semantic Reasoning with Geospatial Data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
10 stars 4 forks source link

Geograypher: Multiview Semantic Reasoning with Geospatial Data

This tool is designed for multiview image datasets where multiple photos are taken of the same scene. The goal is to address two related tasks: generating a prediction about one point in the real world using observations of that point from multiple viewpoints and locating where a point in the real world is observed in each image. The intended application is drone surveys for ecology but the tool is designed to be generalizable.

In drone surveys, multiple overlapping images are taken of a region. A common technique to align these images is using photogrammetry software such as the commercially-available Agisoft Metashape or open-source COLMAP. This project only supports Metashape at the moment, but we plan to expand to other software. We use two outputs from photogrammetry, the location and calibration parameters of the cameras and a 3D "mesh" model of the environment. Using techniques from graphics, we can find the correspondences between locations on the mesh and on the image.

One task that this can support is multiview classification. For example, if you have a computer vision model that generates land cover classifications (for example trees, shrubs, grasses, and bare earth) for each pixel in an image, these predictions can be transferred to the mesh. Then, the predictions for each viewpoint can be aggregated using a voting or averaging scheme to come up with a final land cover prediction for that location. The other task is effectively the reverse. If you have the data from the field, for example marking one geospatial region as shrubs and another as grasses, you can determine which portions of each image corresponds to these classes. This information can be used to train a computer vision model, that could be used in the first step.

Conceptual workflow

Imagine you are trying to map the objects in a hypothetical region. Your world consists of three types of objects: cones, cubes, and cylinders. Cones are different shades of blue, cubes are difference shades of orange, and cylinders are different shades of green. Your landscape consists of a variety of these objects arranged randomly on a flat gray surface. You fly a drone survey and collect images of your scene, some of which are shown below.

Image 1         Image 2         Image 2

While you are there, you also do some field work and survey a small subset of your region. Field work is labor-intensive, so you can't survey the entire region your drone flew. You note down the class of the object and their location and shape in geospatial coordinates. This results in the following geospatial map.

Field reference data

You use structure from motion to build a 3D model of your scene and also estimate the locations that each image was taken from.

Photogrammetry result

Up to this point, you have been following a fairly standard workflow. A common practice at this point would be to generate a top-down, 2D orthomosaic of the scene and do any prediction tasks, such as deep learning model training or inference, using this data. Instead, you decide it's important to maintain the high quality of the raw images and be able to see the sides of your objects when you are generating predictions. This is where geograypher comes in.

Using your field reference map and the 3D model from photogrammetry, you determine which portions of your 3D scene correspond to each object. This is shown below, with the colors now representing the classification label.

Photogrammetry result

Your end goal is to generate predictions on the entire region. For this, you need a machine learning model that can generate automatic predictions on your data. No one else has developed a model for your cone-cube-cylinder classification task, so you need to train your own using labeled example data. Using the mesh that is textured with the classification information from the field survey, and the pose of the camera, you can "render" the labels onto the images. They are shown below, color-coded by class.

Image 1         Image 2         Image 2

These labels correspond to the images shown below.

Image 1         Image 2         Image 2

Now that you have pairs of real images and rendered labels, you can train a machine learning model to predict the class of the objects from the images. This model can be now used to generate predictions on un-labeled images. An example prediction is shown below.

Image 1         Image 1         Image 2

To make these predictions useful, you need the information in geospatial coordinates. We again use the mesh model as an intermediate step between the image coordinates and 2D geospatial coordinates. The predictions are projected or "splatted" onto the mesh from each viewpoint.

Image 1         Image 2

Image 1         Image 2

As seen above, each prediction only captures a small region of the mesh, and cannot make any predictions about parts of the object that were occluded in the original viewpoint. Therefore, we need to aggregate the predictions from all viewpoints to have an understanding of the entire scene. This gives us added robustness, because we can tolerate some prediction errors for a single viewpoint, by choosing the most common prediction across all viewpoints of a single location. The aggregated prediction is shown below.

Photogrammetry result

Now, the final step is to transform these predictions back into geospatial coordinates.

Photogrammetry result


There are two ways to use this tool. If you are an internal collaborator working on the JetStream2 cloud compute environment with access to the /ofo-share , you can directly use an existing conda environment. Note that this option is only suitable if you want to use the existing functionality and not make changes to the toolkit code or dependencies. If you are an external collaborator/user or want to do development work, please create your own new environment.

Using existing environment

This is for internal collaborators working on Jetstream2. Note that you should not make any changes to this environment since these changes will impact others. Only edits to my copy of the repository will be reflected when you import the tool. To begin, you must have installed conda on your Jetstream. Note that the following steps assums a conda config file already exists on your VM, and that it points to your local user's home directory for conda envs and pkgs. You can check this with conda config --show and look at the values under pkgs_dirs and envs_dirs. Then you can tell conda to look, secondarily, in the following additional places for environments and packages.

conda config --append envs_dirs /ofo-share/repos-david/conda/envs/
conda config --append pkgs_dirs /ofo-share/repos-david/conda/pkgs/

Now you should see all of my conda environments when you do conda env list . The one you want is geograypher-stable , and can be activated as follows:

conda activate geograypher-stable

Use this instead of geograypher in future steps.

Creating a new environment

For internal collaborators working on /ofo-share, you can opt to store the new environment on /ofo-share so that you can access it from any VM. First make sure the location where you want to store the env is set to the default for conda:

conda config --prepend envs_dirs /ofo-share/repos-<yourname>/conda/envs/
conda config --prepend pkgs_dirs /ofo-share/repos-<yourname>/conda/pkgs/

You will need to run the above two lines on all new VMs before you can activate the env.

Create and activate the environment:

conda create -n geograypher python=3.9 -y
conda activate geograypher

For internal collaborators working on /ofo-share, you could run into permissions issues when installing dependencies. Check that your executable permissions are valid by running python and python3.9.


If you get a permission denied error, get the location of the python executable inside of your conda environment (from the error message).

Use the output and change the permissions using chmod. What the command should look like:

chmod ugo+x <CONDA ENV LOCATION>/bin/python3.9

If you haven't already, install poetry:

curl -sSL | python3 -

Now use this to install the majority of dependencies. First cd to the directory containing the geograypher repo. Then run:

poetry install

Now install the pytorch3d dependencies that can't be installed with poetry:

conda install pytorch=1.13.0 torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath -y
conda install -c bottler nvidiacub -y
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d -y

Validate the installation

python -c "import torch; print(torch.cuda.is_available())"
python -c "import pytorch3d; print(pytorch3d.__version__)"

If you are working on a headless machine, such as a remote server, you will need the XVFB package to provide a virtual frame buffer. This can be installed at the system level using the package manager, for example:

sudo apt install xvfb

If you do not have root access on your machine, it may not be possible to install xvfb.

You may get the following error when running pyvista visualization:

libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: <CONDA ENV LOCATION>/bin/../lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

If this happens, you can fix it by symlinking to the system version. I don't know why this is required.

ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ <CONDA ENV LOCATION>/lib/

If you want to be able to call geograypher fucntions from Python (e.g. Jupyter notebooks), then you also need to install the Python module. You can install your local clone of the repo as a package:

pip install -e <path to your clone of the geograypher repo>

Example data

The public example data is in data/example_Emerald_Point_data . You can run notebooks in the examples folder to see how to interact with this data. You can download this data using Google Drive from this folder. Once you've downloaded it, extract it into the data folder.

Using your own data

If you have a Metashape scene with the location of cameras, a mesh, and geospatial information, you can likely use geograypher. If you are using the Metashape GUI, you must do an important step before exporting the mesh model. Metashape stores the mesh in an arbitrary coordinate system that's optimized for viewing and will export it as such. To fix this, in the Metashape GUI you need to do Model->Transform Object->Reset Transform , then save the mesh with the local coordinates option. The cameras can be exported without any special considerations.

You can also use our scripted workflow for running Metashape, automate-metashape. The cameras and the local mesh export will be properly formatted for use with geograypher.


There are currently two main 3D workflows that this tool supports, rendering and aggregation. The goal of rendering is to take data that is associated with a mesh or geospatially referenced and translate it to the viewpoint of each image. An example of this is exporting the height above ground or species classification for each point on an image. The goal of aggregation is to take information from each viewpoint and aggregate it onto a mesh and optionally export it as a geospatial file. An example of this is taking species or veg-cover type predictions from each viewpoints and aggregating them onto the mesh.

It also provides functionality for making predictions on top-down orthomosaics. This is not the main focus of the tool but is intended as a strong baseline or for applications where only this data is available.

There is one script for each of these workflows. They each have a variety of command line options that can be used to control the behavior. But in either case, they can be run without any flags to produce an example result. To see the options, run either script with the -h flag as seen below.

conda activate geograypher
python geograypher/entrypoints/ --help
python geograypher/entrypoints/ --help
python geograypher/entrypoints/ --help

Quality metrics can be computed using the evaluation script

conda activate geograypher
python geograypher/entrypoints/ --help