open-guides / og-aws

πŸ“™ Amazon Web Services β€” a practical guide
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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An Open Guide

The Open Guide to Amazon Web Services

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Credits βˆ™ Contributing guidelines

Table of Contents


AWS in General

Specific AWS Services Basics Tips Gotchas
ALB πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
AMIs πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
API Gateway πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Auto Scaling πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Batch πŸ“— πŸ“˜
Certificate Manager πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
CLB (ELB) πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
CloudFront πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
CloudFormation πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
CloudWatch πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Device Farm πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
DirectConnect πŸ“— πŸ“˜
DynamoDB πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
EBS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
EC2 πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
ECS πŸ“— πŸ“˜
EKS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
EFS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Elastic Beanstalk πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Elastic IPs πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
ElastiCache πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
EMR πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Fargate πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Glacier πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
IoT πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Kinesis Firehose πŸ“™
Kinesis Streams πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
KMS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Lambda πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Load Balancers πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Mobile Hub πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
OpsWorks πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Quicksight πŸ“— πŸ“™
RDS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS Aurora πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS Aurora MySQL πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS Aurora PostgreSQL πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS MySQL and MariaDB πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS PostgreSQL πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
RDS SQL Server πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Redshift πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Route 53 πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
S3 πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Security and IAM πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
SES πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
SNS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
SQS πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
Step Functions πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
WAF πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™
VPCs, Network Security, and Security Groups πŸ“— πŸ“˜ πŸ“™

Special Topics


Figures and Tables

Tools and Services Market Landscape AWS Data Transfer Costs

Why an Open Guide?

A lot of information on AWS is already written. Most people learn AWS by reading a blog or a β€œgetting started guide” and referring to the standard AWS references. Nonetheless, trustworthy and practical information and recommendations aren’t easy to come by. AWS’s own documentation is a great but sprawling resource few have time to read fully, and it doesn’t include anything but official facts, so omits experiences of engineers. The information in blogs or Stack Overflow is also not consistently up to date.

This guide is by and for engineers who use AWS. It aims to be a useful, living reference that consolidates links, tips, gotchas, and best practices. It arose from discussion and editing over beers by several engineers who have used AWS extensively.

Before using the guide, please read the license and disclaimer.

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Please help!

This is an early in-progress draft! It’s our first attempt at assembling this information, so is far from comprehensive still, and likely to have omissions or errors.

Slack Chat

Please help by joining the Slack channel (we like to talk about AWS in general, even if you only have questions β€” discussion helps the community and guides improvements) and contributing to the guide. This guide is open to contributions, so unlike a blog, it can keep improving. Like any open source effort, we combine efforts but also review to ensure high quality.



General Information

When to Use AWS

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Which Services to Use

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Tools and Services Market Landscape

There are now enough cloud and β€œbig data” enterprise companies and products that few can keep up with the market landscape.

We’ve assembled a landscape of a few of the services. This is far from complete, but tries to emphasize services that are popular with AWS practitioners β€” services that specifically help with AWS, or a complementary, or tools almost anyone using AWS must learn.

Popular Tools and Services for AWS Practitioners

🚧 Suggestions to improve this figure? Please file an issue.

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Common Concepts

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Service Matrix

Many services within AWS can at least be compared with Google Cloud offerings or with internal Google services. And often times you could assemble the same thing yourself with open source software. This table is an effort at listing these rough correspondences. (Remember that this table is imperfect as in almost every case there are subtle differences of features!)

Service AWS Google Cloud Google Internal Microsoft Azure Other providers Open source β€œbuild your own” Openstack
Virtual server EC2 Compute Engine (GCE) Virtual Machine DigitalOcean OpenStack Nova
PaaS Elastic Beanstalk App Engine App Engine Web Apps Heroku, AppFog, OpenShift Meteor, AppScale, Cloud Foundry, Convox
Serverless, microservices Lambda, API Gateway Functions Function Apps PubNub Blocks, Auth0 Webtask Kong, Tyk Qinling
Container, cluster manager ECS, EKS, Fargate Container Engine, Kubernetes Borg or Omega Container Service Kubernetes, Mesos, Aurora Zun
Object storage S3 Cloud Storage GFS Storage Account DigitalOcean Spaces Swift, HDFS, Minio Swift
Block storage EBS Persistent Disk Storage Account DigitalOcean Volumes NFS Cinder
SQL datastore RDS Cloud SQL SQL Database MySQL, PostgreSQL Trove (stores NoSQL as well)
Sharded RDBMS Cloud Spanner F1, Spanner Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Hyperscale (Citus), CockroachDB
Bigtable Cloud Bigtable Bigtable HBase
Key-value store, column store DynamoDB Cloud Datastore Megastore Tables, DocumentDB Cassandra, CouchDB, RethinkDB, Redis
Memory cache ElastiCache App Engine Memcache Redis Cache Memcached, Redis
Search CloudSearch, Elasticsearch (managed) Search Algolia, QBox, Elastic Cloud Elasticsearch, Solr
Data warehouse Redshift BigQuery Dremel SQL Data Warehouse Oracle, IBM, SAP, HP, many others Greenplum
Business intelligence QuickSight Data Studio 360 Power BI Tableau
Lock manager DynamoDB (weak) Chubby Lease blobs in Storage Account ZooKeeper, Etcd, Consul
Message broker SQS, SNS, IoT Pub/Sub PubSub2 Service Bus RabbitMQ, Kafka, 0MQ
Streaming, distributed log Kinesis Dataflow PubSub2 Event Hubs Kafka Streams, Apex, Flink, Spark Streaming, Storm
MapReduce EMR Dataproc MapReduce HDInsight, DataLake Analytics Qubole Hadoop
Monitoring CloudWatch Stackdriver Monitoring Borgmon Monitor Prometheus(?)
Tracing X-Ray Stackdriver Trace Monitor (Application Insights) DataDog, New Relic, Epsagon Zipkin, Jaeger, Appdash
Metric management Borgmon, TSDB Application Insights Graphite, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Grafana, Riemann, Prometheus
CDN CloudFront Cloud CDN CDN Akamai, Fastly, Cloudflare, Limelight Networks Apache Traffic Server
Load balancer CLB/ALB Load Balancing GFE Load Balancer, Application Gateway nginx, HAProxy, Apache Traffic Server
DNS Route53 DNS DNS bind
Email SES Sendgrid, Mandrill, Postmark
Git hosting CodeCommit Cloud Source Repositories Visual Studio Team Services GitHub, BitBucket GitLab
User authentication Cognito Firebase Authentication Azure Active Directory
Mobile app analytics Mobile Analytics Firebase Analytics HockeyApp Mixpanel
Mobile app testing Device Farm Firebase Test Lab Xamarin Test Cloud BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, Testdroid
Managing SSL/TLS certificates Certificate Manager Let's Encrypt, Comodo, Symantec, GlobalSign
Automatic speech recognition and natural language understanding Transcribe (ASR), Lex (NLU) Cloud Speech API, Natural Language API Cognitive services AYLIEN Text Analysis API, Ambiverse Natural Language Understanding API Stanford's Core NLP Suite, Apache OpenNLP, Apache UIMA, spaCy
Text-to-speech engine in the cloud Polly Nuance, Vocalware, IBM Mimic, eSpeak, MaryTTS
Image recognition Rekognition Vision API Cognitive services IBM Watson, Clarifai TensorFlow, OpenCV
OCR (Text recognition) Textract (documents), Rekognition (photographs) Cloud Vision API Computer Vision API Tesseract
Language Translation Translate Translate Translator Text API Apertium
File Share and Sync WorkDocs Google Docs OneDrive Dropbox, Box, Citrix File Share ownCloud
Machine Learning SageMaker, DeepLens, ML ML Engine, Auto ML ML Studio Watson ML
Data Loss Prevention Macie Cloud Data Loss Prevention Azure Information Protection

🚧 Please help fill this table in.

Selected resources with more detail on this chart:

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AWS Product Maturity and Releases

It’s important to know the maturity of each AWS product. Here is a mostly complete list of first release date, with links to the release notes. Most recently released services are first. Not all services are available in all regions; see this table.

Service Original release Availability CLI Support HIPAA Compliant PCI-DSS Compliant
πŸ₯X-Ray 2016-12 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Lex 2016-11 Preview
πŸ₯Polly 2016-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Rekognition 2016-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Athena 2016-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Batch 2016-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Database Migration Service 2016-03 General βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Certificate Manager 2016-01 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯IoT 2015-08 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“13
πŸ₯WAF 2015-10 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Data Pipeline 2015-10 General βœ“
πŸ₯Elasticsearch 2015-10 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Aurora 2015-07 General βœ“ βœ“3 βœ“3
πŸ₯Service Catalog 2015-07 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Device Farm 2015-07 General βœ“
πŸ₯CodePipeline 2015-07 General βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯CodeCommit 2015-07 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯API Gateway 2015-07 General βœ“ βœ“1 βœ“
πŸ₯Config 2015-06 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯EFS 2015-05 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
πŸ₯Machine Learning 2015-04 General βœ“
Lambda 2014-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
ECS 2014-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
EKS 2018-06 General βœ“12 βœ“ βœ“
KMS 2014-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
CodeDeploy 2014-11 General βœ“ βœ“
Kinesis 2013-12 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“11
CloudTrail 2013-11 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
AppStream 2013-11 Preview βœ“
CloudHSM 2013-03 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Silk 2013-03 Obsolete?
OpsWorks 2013-02 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Redshift 2013-02 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Elastic Transcoder 2013-01 General βœ“
Glacier 2012-08 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
CloudSearch 2012-04 General βœ“
SWF 2012-02 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Storage Gateway 2012-01 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
DynamoDB 2012-01 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
DirectConnect 2011-08 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
ElastiCache 2011-08 General βœ“ βœ“14 βœ“14
CloudFormation 2011-04 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
SES 2011-01 General βœ“ βœ“
Elastic Beanstalk 2010-12 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Route 53 2010-10 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
IAM 2010-09 General βœ“ βœ“
SNS 2010-04 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
EMR 2010-04 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
RDS 2009-12 General βœ“ βœ“2 βœ“9
VPC 2009-08 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
Snowball 2015-10 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“15
Snowmobile 2016-11 General βœ“ βœ“
CloudWatch 2009-05 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
CloudFront 2008-11 General βœ“ βœ“4 βœ“
Fulfillment Web Service 2008-03 Obsolete?
SimpleDB 2007-12 ❗Nearly obsolete βœ“ βœ“
DevPay 2007-12 General
Flexible Payments Service 2007-08 Retired
EC2 2006-08 General βœ“ βœ“5,6,7 βœ“6,7,10
SQS 2006-07 General βœ“ βœ“ βœ“
S3 2006-03 General βœ“ βœ“8 βœ“
Alexa Top Sites 2006-01 General ❗HTTP-only
Alexa Web Information Service 2005-10 General ❗HTTP-only

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1: Excludes use of Amazon API Gateway caching
2: RDS MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL engines only
3: MySQL-compatible Aurora edition only
4: Excludes Lambda@Edge
5: Includes EC2 Systems Manager
6: Includes Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
7: Includes Elastic Load Balancing
8: Includes S3 Transfer Acceleration
9: Includes RDS MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and MariaDB
10: Includes Auto-Scaling
11: Data Analytics, Streams, Video Streams and Firehose
12: Kubernetes uses a custom CLI for Pod/Service management called kubectl. AWS CLI only handles Kubernetes Master concerns
13: IoT Core (includes Device Management) and Greengrass
14: ElastiCache for Redis only
15: Snowball and Snowball Edge


Getting Help and Support

Restrictions and Other Notes

Related Topics

Learning and Career Development


Associate level certifications were once required as pre-requisites to taking the Professional examinations - this is no longer the case.

Certifications are required to access certificate lounges at official AWS events such as Summits and re:Invent. Lounges typically provide power charging points, seats and relatively better coffee.

Managing AWS

Managing Infrastructure State and Change

A great challenge in using AWS to build complex systems (and with DevOps in general) is to manage infrastructure state effectively over time. In general, this boils down to three broad goals for the state of your infrastructure:

Much of what we discuss below is really about how to improve the answers to these questions.

There are several approaches to deploying infrastructure with AWS, from the console to complex automation tools, to third-party services, all of which attempt to help achieve visibility, automation, and flexibility.

AWS Configuration Management

The first way most people experiment with AWS is via its web interface, the AWS Console. But using the Console is a highly manual process, and often works against automation or flexibility.

So if you’re not going to manage your AWS configurations manually, what should you do? Sadly, there are no simple, universal answers β€” each approach has pros and cons, and the approaches taken by different companies vary widely, and include directly using APIs (and building tooling on top yourself), using command-line tools, and using third-party tools and services.

AWS Console

Command-Line tools

APIs and SDKs


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General Visibility

Managing Servers and Applications

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AWS vs Server Configuration

This guide is about AWS, not DevOps or server configuration management in general. But before getting into AWS in detail, it’s worth noting that in addition to the configuration management for your AWS resources, there is the long-standing problem of configuration management for servers themselves.

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Server Configuration Management

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Containers and AWS

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Tips for Managing Servers

Security and IAM

We cover security basics first, since configuring user accounts is something you usually have to do early on when setting up your system.

Security and IAM Basics

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Security and IAM Tips

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Security and IAM Gotchas and Limitations


S3 Basics

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S3 Tips

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S3 Gotchas and Limitations

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Storage Durability, Availability, and Price

As an illustration of comparative features and price, the table below gives S3 Standard, RRS, IA, in comparison with Glacier, EBS, EFS, and EC2 d2.xlarge instance store using Virginia region as of Sept 2017.

Durability (per year) Availability β€œdesigned” Availability SLA Storage (per TB per month) GET or retrieve (per million) Write or archive (per million)
Glacier Eleven 9s Sloooow – $4 $50 $50
S3 IA Eleven 9s 99.9% 99% $12.50 $1 $10
S3 RRS 99.99% 99.99% 99.9% $24 (first TB) $0.40 $5
S3 Standard Eleven 9s 99.99% 99.9% $23 $0.40 $5
EBS 99.8% Unstated 99.99% $25/$45/$100/$125+ (sc1/st1/gp2/io1)
EFS β€œHigh” β€œHigh” – $300
EC2 d2.xlarge instance store Unstated Unstated – $25.44 $0 $0

Especially notable items are in boldface. Sources: S3 pricing, S3 SLA, S3 FAQ, RRS info (note that this is considered deprecated), Glacier pricing, EBS availability and durability, EBS pricing, EFS pricing, EC2 SLA


EC2 Basics

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EC2 Alternatives and Lock-In

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EC2 Tips

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EC2 Gotchas and Limitations


CloudWatch Basics

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CloudWatch Alternatives and Lock-In

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CloudWatch Tips

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CloudWatch Gotchas and Limitations


AMI Basics

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AMI Tips

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AMI Gotchas and Limitations

Auto Scaling

Auto Scaling Basics

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Auto Scaling Tips

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Auto Scaling Gotchas and Limitations


EBS Basics

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EBS Tips

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EBS Gotchas and Limitations


EFS Basics

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EFS Tips

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EFS Gotchas and Limitations

Load Balancers

Load Balancer Basics

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Load Balancer Tips

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Load Balancer Gotchas and Limitations


CLB Basics

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CLB Tips

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CLB Gotchas and Limitations


ALB Basics

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ALB Tips

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ALB Gotchas and Limitations

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk Basics

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Elastic Beanstalk Tips

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Elastic Beanstalk Gotchas and Limitations

Elastic IPs

Elastic IP Basics

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Elastic IP Tips

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Elastic IP Gotchas and Limitations


Glacier Basics

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Glacier Tips

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Glacier Gotchas and Limitations


Quicksight Basics

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Quicksight Gotchas and Limitations


RDS Basics

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RDS Tips

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RDS Gotchas and Limitations

RDS MySQL and MariaDB

RDS MySQL and MariaDB Basics

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RDS MySQL and MariaDB Tips

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RDS MySQL and MariaDB Gotchas and Limitations

RDS PostgreSQL

RDS PostgreSQL Basics

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RDS PostgreSQL Tips

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RDS PostgreSQL Gotchas and Limitations

RDS SQL Server

RDS SQL Server Basics

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RDS SQL Server Tips

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RDS SQL Server Gotchas and Limitations

RDS Aurora

RDS Aurora Basics

Aurora is a cloud only database service designed to provide a distributed, fault-tolerant relational database with self-healing storage and auto-scaling up to 64TB per instance. It currently comes in two versions, a MySQL compatible system, and a PostgreSQL compatible system.

RDS Aurora MySQL

RDS Aurora MySQL Basics

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RDS Aurora MySQL Tips

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RDS Aurora MySQL Gotchas and Limitations

RDS Aurora PostgreSQL

RDS Aurora PostgreSQL Basics

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RDS Aurora PostgreSQL Tips

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RDS Aurora PostgreSQL Gotchas and Limitations


ElastiCache Basics

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ElastiCache Tips

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ElastiCache Gotchas and Limitations


DynamoDB Basics

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DynamoDB Alternatives and Lock-in

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DynamoDB Tips

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DynamoDB Gotchas and Limitations


ECS Basics

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ECS Tips

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ECS Alternatives and Lock-in

🚧 Please help expand this incomplete section.


EKS Basics

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EKS Tips

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EKS Alternatives and Lock-in

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EKS Gotchas and Limitations

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Fargate Basics

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Fargate Tips

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Fargate Alternatives and Lock-in

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Fargate Gotchas and Limitations


Lambda Basics

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Lambda Tips

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Lambda Alternatives and Lock-in

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Lambda Gotchas and Limitations

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Lambda Code Samples

🚧 Please help expand this incomplete section.

API Gateway

API Gateway Basics

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API Gateway Alternatives and Lock-In

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API Gateway Tips

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API Gateway Gotchas and Limitations

🚧 Please help expand this incomplete section.

Step Functions

Step Functions Basics

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Step Functions Tips

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Step Functions Gotchas and Limitations

Route 53

Route 53 Basics

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Route 53 Alternatives and Lock-In

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Route 53 Tips

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Route 53 Gotchas and Limitations


CloudFormation Basics

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CloudFormation Alternatives and Lock-In

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CloudFormation Tips

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CloudFormation Gotchas and Limitations

VPCs, Network Security, and Security Groups

VPC Basics

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VPC and Network Security Tips

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VPC and Network Security Gotchas and Limitations


KMS Basics

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KMS Tips

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KMS Gotchas and Limitations


CloudFront Basics

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CloudFront Alternatives and Lock-in

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CloudFront Tips

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CloudFront Gotchas and Limitations


DirectConnect Basics

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DirectConnect Tips


Redshift Basics

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Redshift Alternatives and Lock-in

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Redshift Tips

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Redshift Gotchas and Limitations


EMR Basics

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EMR Alternatives and Lock-in

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EMR Tips

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EMR Gotchas and Limitations

Kinesis Streams

Kinesis Streams Basics

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Kinesis Streams Alternatives and Lock-in

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Kinesis Streams Tips

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Kinesis Streams Gotchas and Limitations

Kinesis Firehose

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Kinesis Firehose Gotchas and Limitations

Device Farm

Device Farm Basics

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Device Farm Tips

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Device Farm Gotchas and Limitations

Mobile Hub

Mobile Hub Basics

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Mobile Hub Tips

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Mobile Hub Gotchas and Limitations


IoT Basics

How AWS IoT Works

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IoT Greengrass

IoT Greengrass

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IoT Alternatives and Lock-in

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IoT Tips

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IoT Gotchas and Limitations

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IoT Code Samples


SES Basics

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SES Tips

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SES Gotchas and Limitations

Certificate Manager

Certificate Manager Basics

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Certificate Manager Alternatives and Lock-in

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Certificate Manager Tips

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Certificate Manager Gotchas and Limitations


WAF Basics

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WAF Tips

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WAF Gotchas and Limitations


OpsWorks Basics

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OpsWorks Alternatives and Lock-in

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OpsWorks Tips

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OpsWorks Gotchas and Limitations


Batch Basics

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Batch Tips


SQS Basics

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SQS Alternatives and Lock-In

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SQS Tips

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SQS Gotchas and Limitations


SNS Basics

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SNS Alternatives and Lock-In

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SNS Tips

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SNS Gotchas and Limitations

High Availability

This section covers tips and information on achieving high availability.

High Availability Tips

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High Availability Gotchas and Limitations

Billing and Cost Management

Billing and Cost Visibility

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AWS Data Transfer Costs

AWS Data Transfer Costs

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EC2 Cost Management

Further Reading

This section covers a few unusually useful or β€œmust know about” resources or lists.


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.