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Open-Meteo schema files
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Open-Meteo SDK Schema Files

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The Open-Meteo weather API uses FlatBuffers to encode API responses efficiently. The compiled schema files for various programming languages can be found in this repository.

The biggest advantage of FlatBuffers is that large floating point arrays can be encoded directly instead of expensive transformation to JSON ASCII. Especially for historical weather data processing is significantly faster. But also for displaying a regular weather forecast on low-power devices, binary data encoding saves energy.

The FlatBuffers schema definition can be found in the ./flatbuffers directory. Only non-breaking changes are accepted. Binary compatibility is ensured. Every change will be announced in new release following semantic versioning.

The compiled schema files do not contain any code to perform HTTP calls. They are intent to be used by developers to build client libraries.

More information on how to use the compiled schema files can be found in the directories for each programming language

Not all programming languages are supported yet. It is a time-intensive process to validate all languages. Please open a issue ticket to ask for an additional language and/or package distribution system.


Open-Meteo offers various APIs. Each API endpoint is using different FlatBuffers schemas to encode its API response. This enables strict typing. E.g. Weather data APIs offer offers different variables while the Geocoding API returns a different structure. Per default, the Open-Meteo API returns JSON, but specifying &format=flatbuffers in the URL return FlatBuffers encoded data.

Depending on the programming language, you can use a HTTP client to fetch all data and decode the response according to each API endpoint. The following API response schema files are available:


Each response contains data for one location and one weather model. If multiple locations are requested, multiple ApiResponses will be returned as an array using size-prefixed encoding (see below).


The main WeatherApiResponse structure contains


All hourly or daily weather variables are grouped into the class VariablesWithTime. It contains the start and end time as well as the interval.


Timestamps always use unixtime in seconds. Time is always in GMT! If you want to display local time again, you can use the attribute utc_offset_seconds from the response structure


Each weather variable is accompanied by meta data like the name of the weather variable or unit.



The Model enumeration contains all available models like icon_global or best_match.

Depending on the programming language you will have to decode the model to a useable string. E.g. for Python

from openmeteo_sdk import Model

def model_to_name(code):
    """convert Model to name"""
    for name, value in Model.Model.__dict__.items():
        if value == code:
            return name
    return None

print(response.Model()) # 1
print(model_to_name(result.Model())) # "best_match"


The Variable enumeration contains all available variables like temperature or wind_speed. Please note that the altitude is not included in the variable name. temperature_2m is encoded as variable=temperature and altitude=2.


The Unit enumeration contains all available units like celsius or metre_per_second.


The Aggregation enumeration contains all aggregations for daily variables like minimum or maximum.

Selecting a single variable

Multiple weather variables are encoded as a list. If you want to access a single variable, you will have to loop over the array and filter by variable name and altitude. Here is an example to get temperature_2m and precipitation.

from openmeteo_sdk.Variable import Variable
response = ...

hourly = response.Hourly()
hourly_variables = list(map(lambda i: hourly.Variables(i), range(0, hourly.VariablesLength())))

temperature_2m = next(filter(lambda x: x.Variable() == Variable.temperature and x.Altitude() == 2, hourly_variables))
precipitation = next(filter(lambda x: x.Variable() == Variable.precipitation, hourly_variables))


Depending on the variable, you only have to filter by the variable name. Filtering by altitude is relevant if you select wind speed on multiple heights e.g. wind_speed_10m and wind_speed_80m.

If you select different daily aggregations, make sure to also check for the correct aggregation. Example:

from openmeteo_sdk.Variable import Variable
from openmeteo_sdk.Aggregation import Aggregation

daily = response.Daily()
daily_variables = list(map(lambda i: daily.Variables(i), range(0, daily.VariablesLength())))

temperature_2m_max = next(filter(lambda x: x.Variable() == Variable.temperature and x.Altitude() == 2 and x.Aggregation() == Aggregation.maximum, daily_variables))
temperature_2m_min = next(filter(lambda x: x.Variable() == Variable.temperature and x.Altitude() == 2 and x.Aggregation() == Aggregation.minimum, daily_variables))


The order of requested variables will be preserved. E.g. &current=temperature_2m,wind_speed_10m,weather_code will stay exactly in this order. Therefore you could just use indices. Note: current only returns one variable encoded into the field value.

current = response.Current()
timestamp = current.start()
temperature_2m = current.Variables(0).value()
wind_speed_10m = current.Variables(1).value()
weather_code = current.Variables(2).value()

Encoding with Size Prefixed FlatBuffers

Data can be requested for multiple locations and multiple weather models in one API calls. E.g. &latitude=47.1,49.7&longitude=8.6,9.4. To return multiple locations at once, multiple FlatBuffers messages are send.

To distinguish multiple messages, each message is prefixed by its length as a 32-bit integer (little endian). This is known as size-prefixed FlatBuffer messages. Over the wire the messages look like this:

While decoding the response you can loop over data and process one after another. As a reference here is the Python code.

Up to 1000 locations can be requested at once. The Open-Meteo API prefetches data for all locations, but will process one location after another and "stream" the response. Therefore is it possible to decode the first message, while the next messages are still being processed on the server. This can be useful to ingest large amount of data, but is a rather complex approach. For simplicity, waiting for the entire response and then start processing data works well too.

Convert API Response to JSON

If you would like to examine the data returned by the Open-Meteo API in binary FlatBuffers format, you can use the FlatBuffers schema compiler flatc. This can help to understand how the API response is structured.

First, you will have to install the FlatBuffers compile. Mac: brew install flatbuffers. Ubuntu sudo apt install flatbuffers-compiler.

Get weather_api.fbs from this repository.

# Make sure the URL contains `&format=flatbuffers`
wget -O data.bin\?latitude\=52.52\&longitude\=13.41\&daily\=weather_code,temperature_2m_max,temperature_2m_min\&timezone\=auto\&format\=flatbuffers

flatc --json --size-prefixed --raw-binary weather_api.fbs -- data.bin
cat data.json
  latitude: 52.52,
  longitude: 13.419998,
  elevation: 38.0,
  generation_time_milliseconds: 0.247002,
  model: "best_match",
  utc_offset_seconds: 3600,
  timezone: "Europe/Berlin",
  timezone_abbreviation: "CET",
  daily: {
    time: 1698620400,
    time_end: 1699225200,
    interval: 86400,
    variables: [
        variable: "weather_code",
        unit: "wmo_code",
        values: [
        variable: "temperature",
        unit: "celsius",
        values: [
        altitude: 2,
        aggregation: "maximum"
        variable: "temperature",
        unit: "celsius",
        values: [
        altitude: 2,
        aggregation: "minimum"

Note: The values for model, variable, unit and aggregation are encoded into enumerations which use integers instead of strings. Only timezone and timezone_abbreviation are actual strings that are encoded in the binary API response.
