O-MVLL (in reference to O-LLVM) is a LLVM-based obfuscator driven by a Python API and by new LLVM pass manager:
clang++ -fpass-plugin=omvll.so main.cpp -o main
import omvll
class MyConfig(omvll.ObfuscationConfig):
def __init__(self):
def flatten_cfg(self, mod: omvll.Module, func: omvll.Function):
if func.name == "check_password":
return True
return False
O-MVLL can be used with the Android NDK and an iOS toolchain but it only supports the AArch64 architecture.
For the details, you can checkout the documentation: obfuscator.re/omvll
You can reach out by email at this address: ping@obfuscator.re
O-MVLL is released under the same License as LLVM: Apache License, Version 2.0