A collection of objecttypes, created and used by Dutch government organizations,
for use with the Objecttypes API
(Nederlandse versie
Objecttypes are technical definitions of an object. If every application can expect, create and use the same technical definition for an object, integration between systems would be much easier. The use of objecttypes that everyone agreed upon, allow for exactly this.
An objecttype can describe anything: A monument, boat, road, tree, marriage
official, pension plan, form, etc. These technical definitions are described as
a JSON schema
_ and the objecttype adds some meta information to offer context
for this JSON schema.
The Objects API
and the Objecttypes API
are two components that complement
eachother. The Objecttypes API holds the objecttypes for objects that can
be stored in the Objects API. Together they provide a powerfull way to
create and store any kind of object. They are designed in line with the
Common Ground
_ philosophy and they can be used by other API's that need to
store domain specific data.
The objecttypes in this repository (CC0), and also the Objecttypes API (EUPL) and the Objects API (EUPL) are open source and therefore free to use.
.. JSON schema
: https://json-schema.org/
.. Common Ground
: https://www.commonground.nl/
The Objects API
and the Objecttypes API
are in the process of
standardization within VNG
_. Meanwhile, several public organizations have
indicated they will (plan to) use and support these API's. They intent to use
objecttypes and will actively contribute by providing new and/or improved
objecttypes and share them here.
A, most likely incomplete, list of participants is shown below:
Dimpact <https://www.dimpact.nl/>
_ (cooperation of 40+ municipalities)GBI <https://gbi-gemeenten.nl/>
_ (part of VNG).. Objects API
: https://github.com/maykinmedia/objects-api/
.. Objecttypes API
: https://github.com/maykinmedia/objecttypes-api/
.. _VNG
: https://www.vngrealisatie.nl/
There are 4 folders in this repository:
These folders contain JSON schemas. They can be loaded into your own Objecttypes API with appropriate meta data.
Documentation <https://objects-and-objecttypes-api.readthedocs.io/>
_Community <https://commonground.nl/groups/view/601c92bd-19c7-431a-acd5-0400d60ad666/overige-registraties-objecten-en-objecttypen-api>
_Objects API <https://github.com/maykinmedia/objects-api/>
_Objecttypes API <https://github.com/maykinmedia/objecttypes-api/>
_Licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) v1.0 Universal
.. Nederlandse versie
.. Creative Commons Zero (CC0) v1.0 Universal