open-pay / openpay-php

Openpay PHP bindings
Apache License 2.0
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Openpay PHP

PHP client for Openpay API services (version 3.0.0)

This is a client implementing the payment services for Openpay at


PHP 5.2 or later


PHP 5.2 or later cURL extension for PHP JSON extension for PHP Multibyte String extension for PHP


Agregar en la documentación lo siguiente:


The preferred method is via composer. Follow the installation instructions if you do not already have composer installed.

Once composer is installed, execute the following command in your project root to install this library:

composer require openpay/sdk

Finally, be sure to include the autoloader:

require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php';

Manual installation

To install, just:

require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Openpay/Openpay.php');

NOTE: In the example above, the library is located in the directory named Openpay, located inside the same directory that the PHP file which is including the cliente. Make sure to adjust the paths inside your project, otherwise the library will not work.



Before use the library will be necessary to set up your Merchant ID and Private key. There are three options:

Openpay::setCountry('MX'); // MX, CO, PE
Openpay::setPublicIp(''); //Tu ip publica
$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('MERCHANT_ID', 'PRIVATE_KEY', 'COUNTRY_CODE', 'PUBLIC_IP');

// MERCHANT_ID = moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp
// PRIVATE_KEY = sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac
// COUNTRY_CODE = MX (México), CO (Colombia), PE (Peru)
//PUBLIC_IP = (Sustituir por tu ip publica)

NOTE: please, refer to PHP documentation for further information about this method.

Sandbox/Production Mode

By convenience and security, the sandbox mode is activated by default in the client library. This allows you to test your own code when implementing Openpay, before charging any credit card in production environment. Once you have finished your integration, use the method OpenPay::setProductionMode(FLAG) which will allow you to active/inactivate the sandbox mode.


Also you can use environment variables for this purpose:


If its necessary, you can use the method Openpay::getProductionMode() to determine anytime, which is the sandbox mode status:

// will return TRUE/FALSE, depending on if sandbox mode is activated or not.

PHP client library intro

Once configured the library, you can use it to interact with Openpay API services. The first step is get an instance with the generator:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

In this example $openpay will be an instance of a merchant (root), wich will be used to call any derived child resource. According to the current version of the Openpay API, these resources are:

You can access all of these resources as public variables of the root instance, so, if you want to add a new customer you will be able to do it as follows:


Every call to any resource will return an instance of that resource. In the example above, calling the method add() in the resource customers will return an instance of Customer, calling the method add() in the resource cards will return an instance of Card, and so on. The only exception occurs when you retrieve a list of resources using the method getList(), in which case an array of instances will be returned:

// a SINGLE instance of Customer will be returned
$customer = $openpay->customers->add(PARAMETERS);

// an ARRAY of instances of Customers will be returned
customerList = $openpay->customers->getList(PARAMETERS);

On the other hand, the resources derived from Customer, according to Openpay API documentation, are:


Those methods which receive more than one parameter (for example, when trying to add a new customer or a new customer's card), must be passed as associatives arrays:

                                   'PARAMETER_STRING'  => 'VALUE'));

NOTE: Please refer to Openpay API docuemntation to determine wich parameters are accepted, wich required and which of those are optional, in every case.

Error handling

The Openpay API generates several types of errors depending on the situation, to handle this, the PHP client has implemented five type of exceptions:

All these error exceptions make available all the information returned by the Openpay API, with the following methods:

The following is an more complete example of error catching:

try {

    // the following line will generate an error because the
    // private key is empty. The exception generated will be
    // a OpenpayApiAuthError
    $openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', '', 'MX');

    $customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
    $customer->name = 'Juan';
    $customer->last_name = 'Godinez';

} catch (OpenpayApiTransactionError $e) {
    error_log('ERROR on the transaction: ' . $e->getMessage() . 
          ' [error code: ' . $e->getErrorCode() . 
          ', error category: ' . $e->getCategory() . 
          ', HTTP code: '. $e->getHttpCode() . 
          ', request ID: ' . $e->getRequestId() . ']', 0);

} catch (OpenpayApiRequestError $e) {
    error_log('ERROR on the request: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0);

} catch (OpenpayApiConnectionError $e) {
    error_log('ERROR while connecting to the API: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0);

} catch (OpenpayApiAuthError $e) {
    error_log('ERROR on the authentication: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0);

} catch (OpenpayApiError $e) {
    error_log('ERROR on the API: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0);

} catch (Exception $e) {
    error_log('Error on the script: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0);



Add a new customer to a merchant:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customerData = array(
    'name' => 'Teofilo',
    'last_name' => 'Velazco',
    'email' => '',
    'phone_number' => '4421112233',
    'address' => array(
            'line1' => 'Privada Rio No. 12',
            'line2' => 'Co. El Tintero',
            'line3' => '',
            'postal_code' => '76920',
            'state' => 'Querétaro',
            'city' => 'Querétaro.',
            'country_code' => 'MX'));

$customer = $openpay->customers->add($customerData);

Get a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');

Get the list of customers:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customerList = $openpay->customers->getList($findData);

Update a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$customer->name = 'Juan';
$customer->last_name = 'Godinez';

Delete a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');


On a merchant:

Add a card:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$cardData = array(
    'holder_name' => 'Luis Pérez',
    'card_number' => '4111111111111111',
    'cvv2' => '123',
    'expiration_month' => '12',
    'expiration_year' => '15',
    'address' => array(
        'line1' => 'Av. 5 de Febrero No. 1',
        'line2' => 'Col. Felipe Carrillo Puerto',
        'line3' => 'Zona industrial Carrillo Puerto',
        'postal_code' => '76920',
        'state' => 'Querétaro',
        'city' => 'Querétaro',
        'country_code' => 'MX'));

$card = $openpay->cards->add($cardData);

Get a card:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$card = $openpay->cards->get('k9pn8qtsvr7k7gxoq1r5');

Get the list of cards:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$cardList = $openpay->cards->getList($findData);

Delete a card:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$card = $openpay->cards->get('k9pn8qtsvr7k7gxoq1r5');

On a customer:

Add a card:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$cardData = array(
    'holder_name' => 'Teofilo Velazco',
    'card_number' => '4916394462033681',
    'cvv2' => '123',
    'expiration_month' => '12',
    'expiration_year' => '15',
    'address' => array(
            'line1' => 'Privada Rio No. 12',
            'line2' => 'Co. El Tintero',
            'line3' => '',
            'postal_code' => '76920',
            'state' => 'Querétaro',
            'city' => 'Querétaro.',
            'country_code' => 'MX'));

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$card = $customer->cards->add($cardData);

Get a card:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$card = $customer->cards->get('k9pn8qtsvr7k7gxoq1r5');

Get the list of cards:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$cardList = $customer->cards->getList($findData);

Delete a card

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$card = $customer->cards->get('k9pn8qtsvr7k7gxoq1r5');

Bank Accounts

Add a bank account to a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$bankData = array(
    'clabe' => '072910007380090615',
    'alias' => 'Cuenta principal',
    'holder_name' => 'Teofilo Velazco');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$bankaccount = $customer->bankaccounts->add($bankData);

Get a banck account

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$bankaccount = $customer->bankaccounts->get('b4vcouaavwuvkpufh0so');

Get the list of bank accounts:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$bankaccountList = $customer->bankaccounts->getList($findData);

Delete a bank account:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$bankaccount = $customer->bankaccounts->get('b4vcouaavwuvkpufh0so');


On a Merchant:

Make a charge on a merchant:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$chargeData = array(
    'method' => 'card',
    'source_id' => 'krfkkmbvdk3hewatruem',
    'amount' => 100,
    'description' => 'Cargo inicial a mi merchant',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00071');

$charge = $openpay->charges->create($chargeData);

Get a charge:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$charge = $openpay->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');

Get list of charges:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$chargeList = $openpay->charges->getList($findData);

Make a capture:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$captureData = array('amount' => 150.00 );

$charge = $openpay->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');

Make a refund:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$refundData = array('description' => 'Devolución' );

$charge = $openpay->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');

On a Customer:

Make a charge on a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$chargeData = array(
    'source_id' => 'tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk',
    'method' => 'card',
    'amount' => 100,
    'description' => 'Cargo inicial a mi cuenta',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00070');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$charge = $customer->charges->create($chargeData);

Get a charge:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$charge = $customer->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');

Get list of charges:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$chargeList = $customer->charges->getList($findData);

Make a capture:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$captureData = array('amount' => 150.00 );

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$charge = $customer->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');

Make a refund:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$refundData = array('description' => 'Reembolso' );

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$charge = $customer->charges->get('tvyfwyfooqsmfnaprsuk');


Make a transfer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$transferData = array(
    'customer_id' => 'aqedin0owpu0kexr2eor',
    'amount' => 12.50,
    'description' => 'Cobro de Comisión',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00061');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$transfer = $customer->transfers->create($transferData);

Get a transfer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$transfer = $customer->transfers->get('tyxesptjtx1bodfdjmlb');

Get list of transfers:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$transferList = $customer->transfers->getList($findData);


On a Merchant:

Make a payout on a merchant:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$payoutData = array(
    'method' => 'card',
    'destination_id' => 'krfkkmbvdk3hewatruem',
    'amount' => 500,
    'description' => 'Retiro de saldo semanal',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00072');

$payout = $openpay->payouts->create($payoutData);

Get a payout:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$payout = $openpay->payouts->get('t4tzkjspndtj9bnsop2i');

Get list of payouts:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$payoutList = $openpay->payouts->getList($findData);

On a Customer:

Make a payout on a customer:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$payoutData = array(
    'method' => 'card',
    'destination_id' => 'k9pn8qtsvr7k7gxoq1r5',
    'amount' => 1000,
    'description' => 'Retiro de saldo semanal',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00062');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$payout = $customer->payouts->create($payoutData);

Get a payout:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$payout = $customer->payouts->get('tysznlyigrkwnks6eq2c');

Get list pf payouts:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$payoutList = $customer->payouts->getList($findData);


Make a fee charge

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$feeData = array(
    'customer_id' => 'a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh',
    'amount' => 12.50,
    'description' => 'Cobro de Comisión',
    'order_id' => 'ORDEN-00063');

$fee = $openpay->fees->create($feeData);

Get list of fees charged:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$feeList = $openpay->fees->getList($findData);


Add a plan:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$planData = array(
    'amount' => 150.00,
    'status_after_retry' => 'cancelled',
    'retry_times' => 2,
    'name' => 'Plan Curso Verano',
    'repeat_unit' => 'month',
    'trial_days' => '30',
    'repeat_every' => '1',
    'currency' => 'MXN');

$plan = $openpay->plans->add($planData);

Get a plan:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$plan = $openpay->plans->get('pduar9iitv4enjftuwyl');

Get list of plans:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$planList = $openpay->plans->getList($findData);

Update a plan:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$plan = $openpay->plans->get('pduar9iitv4enjftuwyl');
$plan->name = 'Plan Curso de Verano 2014';

Delete a plan:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$plan = $openpay->plans->get('pduar9iitv4enjftuwyl');

Get list of subscriptors of a plan:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$plan = $openpay->plans->get($planId);
$subscriptionList = $plan->subscriptions->getList($findData);


Add a subscription:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$subscriptionData = array(
    'plan_id' => 'pduar9iitv4enjftuwyl',
    'card_id' => 'konvkvcd5ih8ta65umie');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->add($subscriptionData);

See documetation for more detail, creating subscriptions.

Get a subscription:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->get('s7ri24srbldoqqlfo4vp');

Get list of subscriptions:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$findData = array(
    'creation[gte]' => '2013-01-01',
    'creation[lte]' => '2013-12-31',
    'offset' => 0,
    'limit' => 5);

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$subscriptionList = $customer->subscriptions->getList($findData);

Update a subscription:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->get('s7ri24srbldoqqlfo4vp');
$subscription->trial_end_date = '2014-12-31';

Delete a subscription:

$openpay = Openpay::getInstance('moiep6umtcnanql3jrxp', 'sk_3433941e467c1055b178ce26348b0fac', 'MX', '');

$customer = $openpay->customers->get('a9ualumwnrcxkl42l6mh');
$subscription = $customer->subscriptions->get('s7ri24srbldoqqlfo4vp');