open-plan-tool / website

The website and the documentation of the open_plan project
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Welcome to the open_plan website repository,

All topics concerning our static website project will be posted here. If you spot a typo on the website or have a question feel free to create a new Issue or leave a comment at the discussion section.

If you want to get in contact with the open_plan team please send an email to

The open_plan team

open_plan_logo (10X1)

Learn more about the open_plan project on our website.




Getting started

  1. Clone the repository locally
  2. Setup a virtual environment.
  3. Install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. run the app locally with . (linux), or uvicorn webapp:app --reload --port 5001 (windows or linux) you can visualize it in your browser under

Scss files

Any .scss file in static/css folder will be converted to a .css file automatically, to add it to one of your html template, use the following command

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', path='/css/<name of your scss file>.css') }}">

Note the file name is the same, only the extension changes from .scss to .css

Generate files for a static website

Execute the script


from the repository's root, the file will be generated automatically in the repository's root.

The index page is index.html