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Configure Circle-CI #48

Closed rakhimov closed 7 years ago

rakhimov commented 7 years ago

With Circle-CI, we now have 'artifacts' (html, pdf) attached to pull requests so that reviewers can actually see what would be generated by the proposed pull request changes in html and pdf versions. In addition to the GitHub diffs, this final documents are handy to review latex formulas, look-n-feel of the documents, visual graphs, etc.

rakhimov commented 7 years ago

To access the build artifacts, the reviewers need to follow the Circle-CI check/build 'details' link, login into Circle-CI with their github accounts and see the "Artifacts" tab. The direct link to the artifacts can be provided publicly only through retrieving it in this way. Unfortunately, there's no automatic 'easy' way to put that 'autogenerated' link into pull request checks.